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Julian Titus's Comments - Page 21

Episode 122: Return of the Halloween Havoc

Posted on 10/26/2017 at 11:35 PM | Filed Under Feature

I cut about 20 minutes before adding the music and drops.

Series Collecting

Posted on 10/26/2017 at 10:27 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I am collecting every mainline release of the Final Fantasy series. I’m only missing a couple US releases for PSP, and I’ve moved into the Japanese releases. I have complete copies of the first 6 Japanese releases.

Xbox Games I Want on XB1 Most

Posted on 10/25/2017 at 10:47 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I’ve been wanting Otogi forever. I don’t think it was compatible on the 360. I agree with most of these games. I’d also like Fable, Breakdown, and the first Buffy the Vampire Slayer game, but that one would never happen for obvious reasons.

Episode 121: This One Gets a Bit (Digital) and Dicey

Posted on 10/20/2017 at 03:46 PM | Filed Under Feature

I was genuinely happy when I saw Super Metroid was your number 1 pick, because I knew exactly what I wanted to do in the show. It made for (in my opinion) one of the best bits on Nerds Without Pants to date. Hopefully, that bit played, and came off as funny to listeners as it did to me. 

What an Overrated Concept

Posted on 10/20/2017 at 03:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I REALLY think you don't understand what I'm saying about Super Metroid. And honestly, it makes me feel like I'm bad at communicating. I'm not saying that it's the "best of all time". It's my favorite game. I'm not saying that you, or anyone, should feel emotions from the game. The death of that metroid never made me cry, and I'm the biggest crybaby I know. 

I can TOTALLY understand why people wouldn't like Super Metroid. Maybe they don't like the exploration aspect of it. Maybe they don't like the pacing. Maybe they don't like the way Samus jumps. I respect that, and I can see those arguments. All I'm saying is, I'd take exception with anyone who can't look at it and see the craft that goes into it. The sprite work is some of the best of the time, and I'd argue that most sprite art games of today can't equal what Super Metroid did. The incidental animations. The way the game teaches you how to play it without using tutorials (see: the aliens that teach you how to wall jump). The level design. These are all things that, even if you hate the game, I would think you could see and say "It's a well-crafted game, just not for me."

I think we've talked about Egoraptor's Sequelitis series on YouTube before. The way he breaks down Mega Man X (a game I love, but wouldn't even put in my top 50 games of all time) is the way I can break down Super Metroid. That's all I'm trying to say. 

Episode 121: This One Gets a Bit (Digital) and Dicey

Posted on 10/13/2017 at 02:54 PM | Filed Under Feature

Did you ever grapple up to a building and the Joker pops out and screams at you? It totally got me.

Episode 121: This One Gets a Bit (Digital) and Dicey

Posted on 10/11/2017 at 07:44 PM | Filed Under Feature

I think you're talking about two different things between overrated and dislike. When I picked Super Metroid for Chrono Crossing I said I can understand if you feel like it's not your type of game, but you should be able to see why it gets the acclaim it does. I have never seriously said that it's the best game ever made. It's my favorite game and I don't see it getting knocked off that perch any time soon, but I'm not going to fault anyone who doesn't agree. Now, if I don't see it at a respectable spot on someone's best of all time list I may arch my eyebrow at that...

It's like what I said with Pokemon. I don't like Pokemon. Like, at all. I think it's a bad RPG that focuses on boring grindy battling and little to no narrative. But I can understand why it's as loved as it is. I don't think it's overrated by any means, but I don't like it. Same thing with Breath of the Wild. I can understand why it got perfect scores, even if I don't agree with anyone that did that. Obviously, anything in critique is by definition subjective, but I think video games are different because you can easily see what a well made game and a badly made game are. 

And I would never say if you don't love Super Metroid fuck you. I'm genuinely surprised, but hey, I listed Half Life 2 as my most overrated game. I get it.

Episode 120: Monumental

Posted on 10/01/2017 at 10:24 PM | Filed Under Feature

Aww, it's nice to know we were missed! 

Episode 120: Monumental

Posted on 10/01/2017 at 10:22 PM | Filed Under Feature

Yeah, I really enjoy games that expand their worlds through other media. I have never been interested enough in the Halo lore to seek out any of the books, but I hear nothing but great things about them. I highly enjoyed the books for the Dragon Age and Mass Effect universes. 

Episode 120: Monumental

Posted on 09/28/2017 at 02:05 PM | Filed Under Feature

Ooooh, this is gonna be so much fun!

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