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Super Step's Comments - Page 21


Posted on 07/24/2022 at 10:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh, there's TONS of walking across keyboards. And knocking over paint cans just cause. And getting to the highest point you can. And a meow button. And a trophy for letting the cat sleep and purr for an hour. 


Posted on 07/23/2022 at 01:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I played on PS5


Posted on 07/23/2022 at 01:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd watch that. 

Special: 10 Years Without Pants

Posted on 07/23/2022 at 01:27 PM | Filed Under Feature

Alright, I got to the two about the hour mark and now my laptop battery is dying but this was ... heavier than I expected. lol Can't wait for this Patreon model to hit. 

Max Plays

Posted on 07/21/2022 at 12:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Bee Simulator seems cool. I'm currently playing cat simulator (Stray)

Jumble of Plays

Posted on 07/21/2022 at 12:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm genuinely surprised you didn't know that was Christian Bale, but now I'm wondering if I can blow your mind by telling you he's British. lol 

Special: 10 Years Without Pants

Posted on 07/19/2022 at 11:20 AM | Filed Under Feature

I got through like 15 minutes of lacrosse talk and it skipped to the end ... probably my office Mac/network. 

Cary's Best Games of 2022 SO FAR Awards Show!

Posted on 07/19/2022 at 11:00 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It's like the 3D rumble feature on Switch. Idk how much alike they are having never owned a Switch, but I would imagine it's similar. 

It's just a more specific version of rumble where certain parts of the controller rumble rather than the whole thing and there's a different "texture" to certain surfaces in certain games because of it. It's neat but not worth buying a PS5 over. 

Special: 10 Years Without Pants

Posted on 07/17/2022 at 03:37 PM | Filed Under Feature

What an appropriate time for me to come back and listen to the show in the first time in a while. 

By the way, you still have me linked in the show's Dropbox and it's almost like getting an ad for the show when I see someone drop an audio file. lol I plan to listen later tonight or tomorrow at work. Looking forward to it. 

New Plan and New Plays

Posted on 07/17/2022 at 02:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I still need to play Destroy All Humans! remaster. I played a bit of it when I got it for Christmas but ... hmmm... 

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