Yeah, so far I'm agreeing, except that the story seems decent and I can't compare to older games, having not played them.
Yeah, so far I'm agreeing, except that the story seems decent and I can't compare to older games, having not played them.
I think BG&E would be fine if it allowed me to play with a controller. That game was NOT made for keyboard and mouse, so whoever decided that needed to be the input on PC was smoking something.
I completely forgot Ni No Kuni II came out this year ... then again, I know I won't like the gameplay and really just want it for the art style.
I got sick of For Honor quick. I didn't see the depth everyone was talking about upon its release and games without stories just don't really appeal to me as a single player gamer.
Let me know how you like it though. Imagine you can play that with Mark.
Congrats on weight loss. I got down to 204 recently and seem to be losing the recommended 2 pounds a week, so not bad.
I still want to read my All Our Wrong Todays novel, but first I'll finish the very short Power Paradox book from my nonfiction book club.
Do they have the penultimate demo available?
Woo Rock Band! I have Rocksmith for my guitar timing, but wouldn't mind learning some drumbeats.
I loved those Hydro Thunder arcade cabinets with the jet ski seats. As Cary said, Arctic Thunder had that nice breeze as well.
Only felt like beating Abzu once, but I liked the music.
I played Jet Set Radio on my laptop, and for some reason it just seems too stiff to control with the 360 pad. Witcher III I put down shortly after killing that griffin. It just didn't hook me.
Those games are fun, but when the pace gets more rapid, I tend to be getting tired and make more mistakes.