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Jesse Miller's Comments - Page 23

New Ratchet and Clank Incoming

Posted on 05/30/2012 at 02:08 PM | Filed Under News

Yes you did.

Episode 68: Digital Chocolate

Posted on 05/25/2012 at 05:14 PM | Filed Under Feature

You know, when it comes to physical content I have a feeling that it's going to go the way of music.  It will be mostly digital, but there will always be old fogies like me who still like collecting and playing it on good ole' vinyl.  

So, when digital started taking over and CDs started to disappear, vinyl sales and production began to expand.  Special editions and limited runs were made available only in this form - and a lot of new vinyl releases come with digital copies so we can take advantage of both.  Sure the vinyl costs more, but I get my value out of it.

It's not a perfect analogy, but I'm guessing that we'll start seeing more crazy collectible editions of games and less normal editions as digital becomes the norm.  It'll be a niche for the collector and the old fogie alike.

Zone of the Enders Sequel Confirmed

Posted on 05/25/2012 at 04:27 PM | Filed Under News

This is fantastic news.  Konami really needs a string of hits in order to wipe away the stink of some of their latest games.  I just hope this one is good.

Rage Quit - Game of the Year Editions

Posted on 05/25/2012 at 02:57 PM | Filed Under Feature

I was always keen on "Jammers" because it plays off my initials of JAM.

Street Fighter Gets an Anniversary Collection

Posted on 05/25/2012 at 10:28 AM | Filed Under News

This is one of the best "Anniversary Editions" I have ever seen.  Usually I would balk at such a hefty price tag, but considering what you get the price is actually pretty damn decent.  Already preordered mine - keep an eye out for an unboxing video come September 18th.

Wii U Tablet Gets a New Look

Posted on 05/21/2012 at 01:34 PM | Filed Under News

The marketing is going to have to be massive for people not to be confused on this matter.

And to your second point - the core crowd associates Xbox and PlayStation with a great core experience.  The Wii name reminds them of Wii Sports, Wii Fitness and a drove of mini-game centric titles.  The Wii name doesn't hold the same weight as the PlayStation and Xbox does in that crowd.  By keeping it, Nintendo has created an issue that they could certainly live without.

Wii U Tablet Gets a New Look

Posted on 05/21/2012 at 01:31 PM | Filed Under News

To ease some of your concern, I've heard that the controller is actually quite comfortable.  All the first hand reports I've seen have said that it's light, but sturdy and feels much more comfy than you would think.

Wii U Tablet Gets a New Look

Posted on 05/21/2012 at 12:32 PM | Filed Under News

I think there are two things wrong with the Wii U moniker:

1) Consumer confusion - This was the case with last year's E3 and consumers that don't regularly keep up with the videogames industry will likely see it as a peripheral or redesign (which happened with the 3DS).

2) The Wii brand carries a stigma with the core crowd that Nintendo is trying to get back with this console.  Wii is synonymous with waggle controls, shovel-ware and kiddie games (deserved or not that's just how it is).  If Nintendo wants to win over those that have written off the Wii, then calling the system practically the same thing is a step in the wrong direction.  IMO of course.

Wii U Tablet Gets a New Look

Posted on 05/21/2012 at 11:30 AM | Filed Under News

I like the changes, but I am kind of bummed to see the Wii U logo there.  That means that if this is in fact the latest iteration of the controller, that the name is likely set in stone.  I was personally hoping for a name change announcement at E3, but that doesn't seem quite so likely now.

BioShock Infinite Delayed to 2013

Posted on 05/09/2012 at 11:36 AM | Filed Under News

Originally it looked like Prey 2 was getting the axe, but Bethesda announced that the game was being pushed back due to quality assurance purposes.  

I was certainly glad to hear this, since it is one of my most hotly anticipated titles in quite some time.

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