Nice! I need to find a zapper for my Sega CD so I can play Corpse Killer properly. My 3DS has transitioned to my oldest so she can play Pokemon Sun. As much as I dislike those games I gave in, lol. The stuff you do for your kids.
Nice! I need to find a zapper for my Sega CD so I can play Corpse Killer properly. My 3DS has transitioned to my oldest so she can play Pokemon Sun. As much as I dislike those games I gave in, lol. The stuff you do for your kids.
Thanks. Yeah I really like it too. The Yo-Yo being used a weapon is awesome, since it started out as one.
Have you played the Original movie one? I'm thinking about picking it up.
I lucked up, my boss had one he did'nt want anymore. He just gave it to me. The Atari and NES looks amazing on it. I had them on my 40in LED and they looked washed out on it. Now I can usre my Zapper again, which I'm excited about.
Sorry for taking so long to responsed. I'm trying to get back into getting on here. Yeah, I want to grab it for the Switch. Actually there are a few I want to pick up. Right now I'm working on my 2600 collection ( Cart only) at the moment. At least until I get a space to make getting the boxes feasible.
Yeah, I'm trying to get back into the swing of getting back on here. You know, just getting back to talking about games and not the worlds woahs. I'm putting one together now on Tales Of Heart R and Xenoblade 2. I also scored a CRT TV for my retro games. I'll be around more soon.
Oh Great! Now I have Queen with David Bowie playing in my head ( Under Preassure )....
I really need to pick up Axiom Verge. The Metroid styling is what I like about it.
I really want to pick this one up but, my money is tied up in other games. Good write up too, makes me want it a little more now.
It does.