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Super Step's Comments - Page 223


Posted on 05/14/2018 at 08:07 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I just remember being hurt when even the GameCube box had Kameo stuff on it, but it didn't come to the system I'd bought. 


So I'm glad to hear it has camera and control issues. Serves them right!

Special: Thanos Quest

Posted on 05/12/2018 at 03:46 PM | Filed Under Feature

Ok, I've finally got some time to listen. Technically, I came into my office to grade portfolios, but that's easy and now I'm distracted. To hell with Future Joey's time and sanity. 

I guess I didn't pick up on the different characterizations of Drax? I've seen Guardians 1 & 2 and thought his character changes were a pretty natural progression and that he really didn't change THAT much. 

I enjoyed Thor: Ragnarok as well, because of the humor and the imagery, but I was baffled when critics said the tone was handled really well ... ummm ... they were cracking a joke not two seconds after Asgard fell. Felt pretty jarring to me. 

I honestly don't think you HAVE TO watch any other Marvel movie to enjoy and understand the fairly simple and straightforward overall plot of Infinity War. You'd definitely get more out of it if you're familiar with the characters, but I don't think any adult moviegoer would necessarily be confused by it. But again, you definitely would have a better experience not going in blind, so I question why someone wants to see this if they haven't seen others. Only one I understand is people who were super excited for Black Panther just wanting to see him again when that's the only Marvel movie they saw. 

The last party I was at, someone brought up Footloose and a lot of people hadn't seen it. A lot of people at that party still have not seen it. I saw the remake a few years back via Red Box. It was ok. 

Wait, who gave Justice League a pass on SFX? Did you avoid reviews of that movie? The shitty SFX were definitely harped on to no end. Deservedly so in my opinion. 

I honestly wasn't as affected by any of the deaths as anyone else I've talked with, because I didn't care as much about the dead-dead characters and I found the dust thing unconvincing as far as a permanent end for anyone. 

I missed most of the last part of that while grading. 

John Gholson is a familiar sounding name and voice and not just from this podcast, but I cannot figure out where else I'd have heard him. 

Anyway, I had a list of MCU movies ranked, but Phase Three is just too hard to rank for me at the moment, so I gave up. Those are all pretty similar in quality to me.

Deadpool Defeated and Others

Posted on 05/12/2018 at 02:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I just mean when there's a Zelda puzzle I can't figure out and I go, "oh, you can press up and B at the same time to do THAT. Well, I would have had this solved ages ago." But the focus on boring menus, which is a side effect of everything wanting to have "RPG elements" is something I am 100% with you on. Make the upgrades action moves and let me play the damn game. It reminds me of people who wanted to adjust every last stat before playing a round of Madden. 

I've heard the same. I wonder why.

That's newer than I was thinking, but I guess I haven't yet fully accepted it's been a decade since 2008.

God of War and Others

Posted on 05/12/2018 at 02:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've never played a GoW, but yeah, all this talk of them slowing down the action isn't making me excited for the newer one. 

Deadpool Defeated and Others

Posted on 05/10/2018 at 04:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

There are definitely a lot of button combinations I never try in video games the video games themselves will assume I've been practicing all along.

BG&E: Still need to play my copy, but frustrating stealth is a turn-off.

Yakuza 6 allows you to switch to first person and I didn't even think how that was weird for a Japanese-made game.

Matt hazard sounds like an older title?

Sega is on fire lately

Posted on 05/09/2018 at 12:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm hoping they port Yakuza 3-5 to PS4. I don't need Kiwami versions of those, but I don't want to buy a PS3 just for the older games ... which I'm not sure I have the impulse control not to do. 

1. I might be interested in an official Genesis, if they actually keep up the supply to meet demand, unlike Nintendo. But as someone who missed out on Dreamcast games, I really just want to play stuff like Jet Set Radio/Future, Space Channel 5, Power Stone, etc. that I'm really interested in but missed out on. 

2. The comparisons to Yakuza and the fact much of their creative teams are shared is what makes me interested in Shenmue as well. 

3. A new what now?

You been playing VF5 in Yakuza 6?

In which I blog again, game again and search for another job again.

Posted on 05/09/2018 at 12:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

We went to Lufkin to see it, so I'd imagine the Magnolia or Angelika have it in Dallas if it's still playing. 


Posted on 05/09/2018 at 12:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I need to put more pressure on myself to write. I think I have enough money saved up I can take an actual break from working this summer, so I'll see if I can't pump something out. 

Wonder what the world dies thing is in reference to here ... could be so many things. Iran deal? I don't know. 

May Review Flowers

Posted on 05/09/2018 at 12:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Minit sounds interesting and I like short games. 

My First Gundam Build-BearGGuy P(Pretty)

Posted on 05/09/2018 at 12:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs


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