I haven't had much time to game this week either, what with all the grading and such.
I hope you are doing well.
I haven't had much time to game this week either, what with all the grading and such.
I hope you are doing well.
I really liked Deadpool as well, but I'm pretty sure I also failed the last battle before returning it to Red Box. Short, but sweet game.
I didn't think ier's demo was all that visually special either, but damn did I love the constant combat shifts.
Axiom Verge sounds a lot like XeoDrifter, especially glitching through environments.
I don't think I'll ever finish a Wiley Castle, but I still need to beat all the robots in my Mega man collections.
I'll probably download nier pretty soon. Just bought it on sale for golden week.
I'll come back when I've made my list of ranked MCU films.
This whole thing started when I entered college and culminated into Infinity War when my high school 10 year reunion started getting discussed.
Weird to think about.
I'm probably going to get Nier and A Hat in Time from the Golden Week sale. I really need to play my copy of BG&E.
May 17? I have jury duty that day. Now I feel attacked.
This podcast got "political" quick (in quotes cause I don't necessarily want to label social issues "politics" as if they're a team sport, but seemed like the best word). Just to throw in, having grown up Catholic, I definitely remember thinking some oddly homophobic things I've since left behind. Most of the "programming" that's still there is just ritual stuff though ... and also with y'all.
I actually didn't like May that much ... think I related most to Angus the Bear. Never suffered the abuse he describes, but certain family members were pretty combative and we have a similar disposition. And a great ass.
Angelo sounds like he's almost cracking up when talking about family/needing a team. That is some deep stuff.
I mean ... I definitely can't take on 30 kung fu people at once ... but I probably do have the outdated fashion sense Kiryu does ... so this definitely was not about me being "cool." lol Once you got to the "13 going on 30" talk, that was more what I was getting at. The morals thing I'd almost have to appear on the podcast to explain.
Super Hiryu is interesting, because I do think about how similar Kiryu can be to Spider-Man in terms of video game characterization, what with the beating up crooks in alleyways and sometimes similar movesets.
I mean ... as far as Cranky Kong ... I am an educator ... Speaking of which, I only have four PhotoShop projects left to grade, so thanks for getting me through the night.
Julian - Hmmm ... Moderator, some scars from his past, seems to play the role of "nice guy," soooo ...
I think the theme of the song may be intended as a joke (I mean, I don't speak Japanese, so I have no idea) BUT the sound of it, especially the opening, is probably the closest Yakuza karaoke song to what a WWE wrestler would actually come out to.
A straightforward sound for the straight man. Julian would be a main eventer and have a popular gimmick. I'll let y'all decide what that is.
Patrick - Hmmm ... Crazy/manic person who can be hard to read at times, sooo ...
He'll come out wearing that same roller blade/glitsy suit get up and will mostly be used as the guy who messes up main event matches, so the announcers can say, "OMG that can't be legal can it?! Hit him with the chair when the referee wasn't looking!"
Angelo - Hmmm ... dad/family figure, sooo ...
Angelo will be a heel similar to Kurt Angle. He'll tell kids to pray and eat their veggies like Hulk Hogan, but he'll be doing this to an Attitude era crowd and will be booed off stage every time for trying to make peace between wrestlers during matches. The wrestlers in the ring will roll their eyes and just kinda stand there while he's coming on with "oh FFS" looks on their faces.
This isn't because I have anything against Angelo; if anything that personality is something I aspire to. I just think a WWE audience would see that character as a heel.
I'm in a weird limbo where I've been told my university had a faculty hiring freeze and I'm not sure if I'll be hired back or some other guy they're trying to get (I have a full-time adjunct position, so they're wanting a doctorate-holder who take my place) will still want to take the position. So I kind of know how you feel, although I wish I had a definite answer; I've usually signed something by March when the search committee is this far behind.
I don't think I'll ever actually finish my PS4 backlog, honestly. I don't think I've ever had near the library I do on that thing. Sales and PS+ account for a lot of it.
Sweet deal on the SNES Mini! Wouldn't it be nice if I could go to a Wal Mart and just buy one? Like, just give Nintendo money? Ah, it's too bad they won't do that.
I actually saw Isle of Dogs the other day with my best friend and his girlfriend. She was taken aback by how dark it was at first, but ended up loving it. I enjoyed the dark humor, so I was good to go throughout.
I wish you guys had played Ghost Trick. It's such a great game. Angelo is on the right track with the Rube Goldberg posession thing. Also worth pointing out it's the same people behind the Ace Attorney series.
I still need to play my Steam copy of Beyond Good & Evil, but I hated the trailer for 2. So many unnecessary f-bombs. Graphics were really impressive though.
I don't see the Digital Foundry link.