Welcome back everyone! Don't worry, I kept the place clean whilst you were away. Just don't look under the rug, k?
Welcome back everyone! Don't worry, I kept the place clean whilst you were away. Just don't look under the rug, k?
And Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero is a garbage game I should pawn off on one of the lot of you? ;)
This doesn't sound like something Nintendo would do. I'm skeptical unless it becomes official.
Yeah, I spotted Toad in the trailer. There's a red one in there too.
Birdo is also in the crowd, as a generic. Interestingly, this is the first time a pink Birdo has appeared as a generic in the crowd; previous games have various colours other than pink, including blue, red, orange, etc.
I didn't see any Yoshis in the crowd though. None of the crowd characters were also playable characters. That doesn't sit well with me.
Good. Battling is the most boringest part of any Pokémon game.
Don't tease me like that!
The 3DS sounds entirely unimpressive to me. I think it may be one of those things which someone needs to experience to appreciate, and I wonder if that will make it a hard sell.
Aimed at kids and girls, right? Right?
Tsk tsk, lack of direction. What is this, an NES game? It's a shame, because it seems like this concept has so much potential.
Do you have any idea if there is/will be a left-handed option?