I have that sitting on my Steam library and playing Weapon Shop has made me all the more interested.
I have that sitting on my Steam library and playing Weapon Shop has made me all the more interested.
Don't be silly. Nobody's that old.
Yeah, cool, right? I got the bigger one, which sticks out of my Lite, but oh well.
I mean, go ask about this in the thread!
Agreed. A perfectly acceptable fast food burger.
I don't know what we sign up to when we get physical copies, like if they are not to be given away or something. I try not to get involved in the boring stuff here. The main problem is that most games we get now are digital, so we're stuck with 'em.
This is a pretty bare bones collection, but I forgive all of it because of Street Hoopz!
Get on the blacktop, pick yo team!
There is an actual free thing available!
That will be a lot of big changes, but I'm sure you can do it. I was always decent at math, but I never personally got algebra until I took college calculus. I basically sat there and thought through all the basics of algebra and made up my own problems over and over until I really understood it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have had a shot at calculus, and this technique worked out well. Point is, I'm sure you can understand all the math you need with the work you're willing to put into it.
That's too bad, Michael. Love your attitude, though! You can make it work!
It's OK. We will take all the news we can get from New York Comic Con 2013.