Considering that Ultima 7 came out in 1992, and Doom came out in 93, I think anyone would be hard pressed to make that case for Super Metroid, which you can say was just refining already well trod ground, not advancing the state of the art of game design or causing a paradigm shift. In any case, I vehemently am against this need to heirarchize games that people have. I roll my eyes everytime a game site rolls out their arbitrary Top Games list. I don't see that it benefits anything to hold one game above all others, and I don't even think a rational argument for such can be made that isn't rife with bias fueled by emotionality, nostalgia, etc. I don't think any kind of thorough and cool-headed analysis would come to such a conclusion. So essentially I agree with you, although I wouldn't say EVERY game is special. We gotta let garbage just be garbage sometimes.