It is a bad port. You can fix it with mods, but it is still poorly optimised and won't run on a lot of machines. Honestly, if you're going to play it on pc, wait for Dark Souls 2. It is an excellent game and I hear the port is great too. Also, it seems like it's easier to jump into than any of the previous souls games were.
Dark souls 2 and a couple of days
Yep. The as much as I love the souls series, they REALLY need to stop the recycling. They recycle areas and bosses like it's no tomorrow. I mean it was cool to see connections in Dark Souls to Demon's Souls because it seemed to be From Software giving Sony the middle finger. Now it just seems like they're running out of ideas.
That said, I am still really enjoying this game. I think I'm about halfway through? I just unpetrified that woman and got raped by a baselisk and 6 of those tree things after pulling the switch.
It seems to be the easiest to get into for beginners. It has the best tutorial, where to go is a bit more explicit, and the early levels are a bit easier. That could be because I know what I'm doing though.
I'd be keen to meet up if you're going to play.
"Which means another disjointed spastic blog that I will badly edit and shamelesly post anyway cause I'm lazy."
Wait, that's not how we're supposed to blog? Man, I've been failing this shit for years then.
Not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination. I still feel that Blood Money is the best game in the series, and that this title comes nowhere near the awesomeness of the rest of the series, but it's still pretty decent.