I cant either! Im soo excited ^_^
I cant either! Im soo excited ^_^
Apparently it isnt but since the site I saw it on said it was and the fact sony didnt release it has a separate video on the channel I had no clue it was released. Ill be an early adopter no matter what, I would be shocked though if they had more in stock by the time black friday comes around if it is the 21st. Normally it takes them a good amount a time to get fully in stock again after the intial rush of launch day. I could be wrong, the Wii U is was a pretty easy find after its launch.
Someone posted it was leaked so I thought it was, I didnt see it posted officially by sony either so that enforced it pretty much.
Im constantly talking to my villagers, they prolly wish I would shut my trap,lol! The game can def test your patience, I wish it was already tomorrow because I can start a new work project which I plan to build the dream suite. I agree completely, the job is never done!
I thought have a breather from Next gen stuff would be a nice thing for today. I am working on some more blogs for tonight PS4 aimed but nothing about Xbox one really. A few will be game ones that are not yet released.
The fishing rod pops up randomly, I however have gotten it a lot in my stores. If ya want Ill let ya know when I have it and you gladly can come buy it. You can also give ur town a new ordiance to stay open later at night. My friend changed theirs to late town one and there shops stay open to 2am. However they prolly open later in the day then in the morning.
I am def loving AC, something new to do everyday! I dont think I was this into Wild World when I played it either.
Glad to hear your going back to school, I know it might seem bad money wise but it will help in the long run!
Been playing it and it def gets my vote for GOTY. I hope you like it!
Im hopeing to see this has a launch title. If it is it will be my first purchase game wise for the PS4. From what Ive read on it it's been in development since 2010 so I kind of hope there nearing the end of working on it.
That is excatly while I do not mix games and drinking together, shit just does not go right at all,lol. However since your a pro now how about you get drunk and play Animal Crossing, Id like to know what happens,lol!