I really like it.
I guess Tails?
What minigame won you the contest?
I really like it.
I guess Tails?
What minigame won you the contest?
I think I started on 1up around 2006, right around when the Wii was being released.
Have you played all of the Yakuza games? I finished the story in Yakuza 0 this week, and yet the cabaret club and Real Estate Royale minigames are basically their own game-length stories, so I'm still working on those. It's insane.
I remember hearing about the Earthworm Jim remakes, but never saw them in action.
As for Sonic, I don't think I've ever really felt compelled to explore in those games, so linear levels really don't bother me there.
The flab-blasting years, perhaps. LET'S GET PHYSICAL.
I need to pick up Dragon Ball FighterZ, even though I care very little about DBZ. I just love Arc System Works.
Sonic Mania didn't exactly blow my mind, but it's a nice one to have on my PS4 when I feel like something quick.
Hmmm ... Basically, I'd be selfish and want all the games I don't already own but wanted to play on there, so Killer 7, Xiii, Rogue Squadron (didn't finish it), Prime 2: Echoes (again, just want to finish it), Beach Spikers Volleyball, Auto Modelista, etc.
But I'd say the list you have is pretty much what I'd expect to actually be on one and I wouldn't mind that at all ... except I'd personally replace the RPGs on the list as well as Harvest Moon and have some games I mentioned or Bloody Roar Primal Fury in their place.
It turns out Scarecrow was just old man McGuillocuddy all this time!
Fair enough. I consider most video game violence so cartoony that it barely even registers, not because I love bloodshed, because it's a slightly more realistic Wile E. Coyote feature at that point. That game is so over-the-top. lol
Cammy. That one I think I've actually seen you talk about.
I've always been curious about the way the Japanese see demons vs. the way western Judeo-Christian culture sees them. They don't seem to be presented the same way in Japanese pop culture.
I'd love to get to the last boss in Spirit Tracks, but every time I open up the game and I'm back in the 300-floor castle, I forget what I was supposed to do.
I don't know how I keep misreading your comments. Lol