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Super Step's Comments - Page 246

BaD #14: Section Z

Posted on 02/20/2018 at 09:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Since it is difficult like an NES game, does it do anything to up the frustration factor in a glitchy way? 

BaD # 14- Hidden Gems: Radia Senki: Reimeihen

Posted on 02/20/2018 at 09:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I dig the music.

BaD 2009

Posted on 02/20/2018 at 08:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I didn't realize the Souls series started this year.

I really want to play Bayonetta some time.

Eh, as acurrate as these Wikipedia lists I'm using are, for all I know Super SFIV came out in 2009, so I would count it. Did you say you jumped back into IV online because V dried up? People must really not like V.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall Hourglass forcing you to use motion controls while Spirit Tracks you only had to use it to control the rolling armor and it was otherwise optional.

BaD 2009

Posted on 02/20/2018 at 05:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I had to move them really fast to quickly beat up a boss. Yakuza 0 would get tiring with those controls, but I wouldn't mind those being implemented now and then in that game. 

I think I knew Iced Earth outside of Brutal Legend, but definitely not Brocas Helm. 

Yeah, you did nothing but post about Borderlands 2 there for a spell. I'm the same way with Yakuza 0 lately. 

I like the stealth in Arkham games much more than other games, cause you can recover from being seen pretty quickly and you can take enemies out pretty swiftly. Most stealth games I just lose patience having to wait all the time. 

Time Warped 1980 - PGA Golf

Posted on 02/20/2018 at 05:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

BaD 2006-2008

Posted on 02/20/2018 at 04:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

At the time, I was really interested in the bow and arrow and sword mechanics, but I kept hearing people didn't like them. I've never played for myself though, so who knows. 

I still need to play my Ace Attorney game. 

I've played Mass Effect demos and rented Andromeda and only ever watched people play Fallout 3. 

BaD 2006-2008

Posted on 02/20/2018 at 04:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Dangit, I've talked to the arcade lady several times and all she ever says is for me to have a good time. 

Thank you for letting me know there was another substory I haven't triggered. 

Somewhere in between Bioshock Infinite and Jobs

Posted on 02/20/2018 at 04:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I hate looking for jobs. That is my least favorite job. 

I still haven't played much of the first Bioshock past the first area. Damn Big Daddies keep killing me. 

BaD 13 Switch Collection

Posted on 02/20/2018 at 04:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I saw Celeste on Game Grumps and it looks right up my alley. I hadn't heard of it before then.

Also, Nicelob, I would like to bring attention to part of your list:

Shovel Knight - Need to play



Thank you.

BaD 2006-2008

Posted on 02/20/2018 at 10:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I think the name honestly made it a lot more marketable to the mainstream/non-gamer crowd than Revolution ever could have ... but I know what you mean. 

Which one's Fantazy Zone? I think I only played Space Harrier and OutRun. 


Yeah, I wasn't big on the color palette on GCN either. 

I'm glad Spirit Tracks uses it for puzzles and not the entire game. 

Well, now I have Rocksmith, so there's that.

I've played Okamiden on DS, but got stuck somewhere and haven't gone back. 

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