I wish Egoraptor had continued the Sequelitis series, because they are amazing. The Megaman X one is my favorite, of course.
Again, I don't think the Sonic games are bad games. As a teenager I called them bad games because I was a Nintendo fanboy, but I've gone back and played them often as an adult. Honestly, I've probably gone back to the Sonic games more often than Mario World because they get rerelased so often. I also tested hundreds of Sega Genesis machines in my retail days, and Sonic was always a go to game.
I've been looking at games critically long enough that I stand behind my statement of the Sonic games not holding up over time. Sonic is great when he's going fast, and straight up boring any time he isn't. His jumps never feel precise, and the level designs, while impressive on a technical level, aren't very interesting. I actually cite the underwater level and the casino level as some of the worst platforming levels I've played.
But the crux of my argument comes from the mechanics. Sonic runs, jumps, and can do a spin dash (which is just a way to start running again). In Mario World, Mario runs, jumps, spins, slides, throws fireballs, and flies with the cape. And it's the cape above all else that puts it on a higher level in my eyes, because it takes some real skill to master. I achieved that mastery, and the feeling of flying through entire levels due to my deft handling of the cape controls is one of my favorite things from the 16 bit days.
Donkey Kong Country may hold up better than Sonic and Knuckles. I know the graphics of DKC look pretty rough these days, and I'm not sure if the barrel jumping is still as fun as I remember, or if it's just kind of this auto pilot gameplay with little skill involved. I honestly haven't played it since the GBA release, and I played Sonic and Knuckles on one of those Genesis collections.