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Julian Titus's Comments - Page 26

Episode 114: Tropes vs NWP in Video Games

Posted on 05/25/2017 at 04:40 PM | Filed Under Feature

I wish Egoraptor had continued the Sequelitis series, because they are amazing. The Megaman X one is my favorite, of course.

Again, I don't think the Sonic games are bad games. As a teenager I called them bad games because I was a Nintendo fanboy, but I've gone back and played them often as an adult. Honestly, I've probably gone back to the Sonic games more often than Mario World because they get rerelased so often. I also tested hundreds of Sega Genesis machines in my retail days, and Sonic was always a go to game. 

I've been looking at games critically long enough that I stand behind my statement of the Sonic games not holding up over time. Sonic is great when he's going fast, and straight up boring any time he isn't. His jumps never feel precise, and the level designs, while impressive on a technical level, aren't very interesting. I actually cite the underwater level and the casino level as some of the worst platforming levels I've played. 

But the crux of my argument comes from the mechanics. Sonic runs, jumps, and can do a spin dash (which is just a way to start running again). In Mario World, Mario runs, jumps, spins, slides, throws fireballs, and flies with the cape. And it's the cape above all else that puts it on a higher level in my eyes, because it takes some real skill to master. I achieved that mastery, and the feeling of flying through entire levels due to my deft handling of the cape controls is one of my favorite things from the 16 bit days. 

Donkey Kong Country may hold up better than Sonic and Knuckles. I know the graphics of DKC look pretty rough these days, and I'm not sure if the barrel jumping is still as fun as I remember, or if it's just kind of this auto pilot gameplay with little skill involved. I honestly haven't played it since the GBA release, and I played Sonic and Knuckles on one of those Genesis collections. 

Episode 114: Tropes vs NWP in Video Games

Posted on 05/24/2017 at 07:46 PM | Filed Under Feature

Here's that Final Fantasy article Patrick was talking about. Personally, I think it's poorly written and my eyes nearly rolled out of my skull at some of the connections they try to make, but it's an interesting read. 

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/24/2017 at 02:11 PM | Filed Under Feature

Yeah, Zelda was a new, more challenging quest. My knowledge of the MegaTen games is very surface level, but the specific thing about Chrono Trigger's new game plus was that you kept your levels, gold, items, and abilities from the previous play through. My characters were close to level 99 when I beat the game the first time, so I could fly through the game by one shotting every enemy and boss until the last couple dungeons or so. 

When Angelo and I mention feminism the way we did, it's specifically the hyperbolic Tumblresque type, which I just can't abide. I'm for equality, not a war of the sexes. wound me. That was Dark Helmet from Spaceballs at the end. It was the final joke in my "Star Wars Day episode that goes out of its way to reference actual Star Wars stuff".

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/24/2017 at 02:06 PM | Filed Under Feature

I'm excited about the segment that will be replacing Chrono Crossing. It will also be interactive, and will share some of the traits of Chrono Crossing. 

Here's what I have in mind going forward:

1. Restructuring Stage Select to move a bit quicker (it was intended to be a 30-40 minute segment, not an hour and a half).

2. Giving a bit more time to Consumption Junction (unless we just don't have much; episode 114 is one of the shortest CJ segments to date).

3. Spend a few episodes getting the new segment ready after the 1985 Chrono Crossing, which will be a special episode looking back at the segment. Those episode will be shorter since the new segment won't debut right away.

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/18/2017 at 12:39 AM | Filed Under Feature

Chrono Cross will be ending once we get to 1985, which will be a special episode. After that, we'll be announcing our new segment, which I'm excited to debut.

I know the show is long. We might look into streamlining Stage Select so it is under an hour. I've actually had a lot of feedback that is in favor of the longer episodes, but that's surely because we're bi-weekly.

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/18/2017 at 12:35 AM | Filed Under Feature

You used the universal greeting?! Welcome, sir! I humbly accept your energon goodie.

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/17/2017 at 01:10 PM | Filed Under Feature

Basically, while Yokoi has been credited as the father of the Gameboy, it was Okada Satoru who made the system what we actually got. This isn't the article I was talking about, but it covers much of the same ground. 

Still, Yokoi was lead on a lot of major Nintendo projects, and he was the director of Super Metroid, so he's good in my book. 

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/17/2017 at 12:46 AM | Filed Under Feature

I'm glad the Price is Right horn didn't annoy everyone!

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/17/2017 at 12:45 AM | Filed Under Feature

Yeah, upgrade the combat system, add some real dungeons, and streamline some of that Japanese/Nintendo user interface jank and you have a recipe for a near perfect Zelda game. Like, that inventory system is terrible, and even selling or buying items is super annoying. 

Episode 112: The Fate of the Pantsless

Posted on 05/03/2017 at 06:40 PM | Filed Under Feature

Giant Bomb is my favorite podcast by far, so you even mentioning us in the same sentence is the highest praise I can think of, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. While I don't think we're anywhere in their league (difficult to do when we're not in the same room), I have to admit some frustration recently that we aren't bigger than we are. But we're definitely growing, and we appreciate every person that listens, even if we don't hear from many of them.

I have not seen Yu Yu Hakusho, but martial arts anime is my favorite, which is why I love DBZ, Ranma 1/2, Naruto, and Rurouni Kenshin. I will have to check it out. I watched the first episode of Fist of the North Star, which is total 80's over the top goodness. 

Let's see...I actually just recently picked up Madworld, Last Story, and Pandora's Tower. Fire Emblem has quickly become one of the most expensive games on the system. I already own Zack and Wiki, but I really need to grab Sin and Punishment and Boomblox while I can. Muramasa would definitely be on my list, but I own it on Vita. Thanks for the suggestions! 

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