Only games published by Nintendo as in 1st or Second party stuff, either in-house or outside developer. Games like Mega Man or something wont count. Here is the announcement blog for more details.
Only games published by Nintendo as in 1st or Second party stuff, either in-house or outside developer. Games like Mega Man or something wont count. Here is the announcement blog for more details.
If you still have an N64 and if you can find a copy for cheap, then go for it.
Yeah, it's the same game that you've already played, but they added some improvements and new content. Which to me is my favorite version of the game.
It's pretty neat, there's even a sequel that I've yet to try.
As for the reply, hmm, I guess since you could blow up a paper bag and pop it, I sometimes like to burst into happiness? I sometimes feel very happy. Or it can also work into bursting into laigher or tears.
It's okay dude I'm going to have another one of these later on.. As for my favorite Wii U game, well this is cheating but, SSB Wii U, MK8, Super Mario 3D World, Hyrule Warriors, and Windwaker HD so far.
It was an impulse buy back then but I like it. Wish I could play that, but my pc doesn't run games well.
It's cool man. I'm going to have another of these later on.
It's cool, I appreciate that everyone takes time to read my stuff. As for indie games, sure why not? Hope my pc can run then.
Yeah, it might have been a cliche choice, but it is the game that revived the industry. It's also the one game that started it all for me.
I also haven't beaten Super Metroid too, and funny thing is that I've also tried on 2 separate occasions and I own it twice. I haven't played all of them but at least have played most of them. I'm on the same page with Prime 2, I think I almost beat it but stopped. I haven't beaten Fusion and the original Metroid because of my 3DS.
Agreed on Other M. Prime 3 was the first Metroid game I ever played and wa also the first one I ever beat. Could be why I like it so much. No comment on Pinball, Hunters, 2, and Zero Mission since I never played those.