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mothman's Comments - Page 252

My Christmas Haul

Posted on 12/28/2014 at 06:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

We are twin brothers of different mothers (and several years). LOL

I actually have Persona 2 (both PSP and PS1 versions) and P3P (which I don't like but I have the PS2 version in regular and FES). I bought Trails in the Sky (psn) too even though I bought it on PC. We need a self help group. :)  

No doubt about it. Gonna need a bigger storage card. :)

My Christmas Haul

Posted on 12/28/2014 at 04:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Congrats my friend. Now I have someone else to help me extol the glory of the PS TV. LOL

I frikkin' love my PS TV. I got it for Persona 4 Golden but i like it for all the PSP and PS1RPGs I can play on it too. It's so nice and quiet and nestled behind my DVR so I don't even see it. I will get all the RPGs for it eventually but for the 100 bucks I got the bundle for it's a steal. 

Now is the time to jump into the Vita world, oh my brothers and sisters, and if you never had a PSP I envy you this opportunity. *sermon mode off*

P.S. Some stores are selling the bundle for 80 this week which makes it a no brainer.

PSN Flash Sale. Combo of Who Cares? and Still Too Expensive

Posted on 12/28/2014 at 04:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yep it's pretty lame Rodinski. 

PSN Flash Sale. Combo of Who Cares? and Still Too Expensive

Posted on 12/28/2014 at 04:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That might have tempted me except for the not having a PS4 part. I wound up buying the Shadow of Mordor Legion edition for 30 bucks plus 5 bucks in discount points at my local grocery store. 

I want the game but I'll wait on Dragon Age until it hits 30 or less on PS3. It's not like I don't have tons to play in the meantime :)

2014, It's a Wrap: Played

Posted on 12/27/2014 at 07:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have to get Fantasy Life. Not now but soon.

Your thoughts on Sony & Microsoft getting shut down because of Hackers

Posted on 12/26/2014 at 08:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

No Rodney there were no hacks of any kind. What they did is cripple the servers by flooding them with bullshit packets so that the servers could no longer process legitimate requests for service. Hence the name denial of service.

Think of it as if there are a bunch of morons standing around you screaming nonsense making it impossible for you to hold a conversation with anyone who actually wants to talk to you. Denial of Service has nothing to so with hacking. You could show a bunch of grandmothers how to do it in about 10 minutes given the right tool.

Lizard Squad are not hackers. They are low rent morons with noise generators.

Merry Christmas Everydobby!

Posted on 12/26/2014 at 11:43 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I want to try that game at some point too but it can wait for a bit.

Murray Christmas!

Posted on 12/26/2014 at 11:40 AM | Filed Under Blogs

A lot of my problem with having multiples comes from Steam. I originally bought it for 360, then my son picked it up as part of a Steam sale because he didn't know we had it. Then I got it free. I have Trine 2 a bunch of times too.

Your thoughts on Sony & Microsoft getting shut down because of Hackers

Posted on 12/26/2014 at 10:44 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The DDOS attack while annoying is not a hack. It's the lowest form of network terrorism and can be pulled of by any group of 12 year olds or trained chimps for that matter.

Hacking involves cracking network security and accessing sensitive information. All they did was create a bunch of noise.

It's really sad that this Idyit Squad claims responsibility like it's something to be proud of.

Murray Christmas!

Posted on 12/25/2014 at 01:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Mirror's Edge was one of the games given away free by EA on PSN so now I have it on 3 platforms and haven't played it yet. 

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