Posted on 07/06/2022 at 07:19 PM
| Filed Under Feature
Stage Select:
3. Kid Icarus. I would like to see this return as a full-fledged third-person platforming/action/shooting adventure with freedom of movement. Of all of Nintendo's dormant series, this is easily the one I most want to return.
2. Earthbound/Mother. I've pretty much accepted that this series is gone for good. I would at least settle for a Switch port of Mother 3. On that, I've heard various theories from Nintendo insiders that Nintendo was looking at a Switch port, but nixed it. One theory is that Nintendo rejected it because they simply thought that some of the content was too problematic for the United States, and that localizing it would be a no-win situation. Reggie Fils-Aime continues to insist that it was purely a business decision, though Reggie always seemed to have a lot of antipathy towards RPGs during his tenure at Nintendo. I kind of lean towards the former explanation. The bowdlerization that Nintendo employed in the 1990s wouldn't fly anymore, judging by the Twitter hostility towards some of NoA's decisions regarding Fire Emblem Fates and Tokyo Mirage Sessions. On the other hand, I can just see Ron DeSantis or some other politician flipping his lid about some of the content in the game.
It's also telling that as zealous as Nintendo is about copyright protection, that they have never really made any serious attempts to go after the well-known fan translation of Mother 3. They know it exists, and the translation team even sent letters to Nintendo saying they would provide the translation as an official translation free of charge, or that if Nintendo wanted to do its own localization that they would take their localization down. Typically that kind of thing results in C&D letters from Nintendo's legal team, but not in this case. So it's pretty safe to say Nintendo has washed its hands of the whole thing and is willing to leave the fan translation alone as a compromise. At this point, Xenoblade Chronicles pretty much fills Nintendo's traditional RPG niche.
1.This one is kind of iffy according to your criteria thanks to a very late PS4 port, but I would really like to see Virtua Fighter 6. Virtua Fighter is my favorite fighting game franchise of all time. I always preferred it over Tekken, both for the visual design and for the gameplay mechanics. It's an elegant system that works on just three buttons. We got a little taste of the series when Ryu ga Gotoku Studios worked with AM2 on a PS4 port of VF5, a game which originally came out 16 years ago. Virtua Fighter deserves another chance to shine.
Cage Match:
In this battle of Bioware space games, I'm going to give it to store-brand Star Wars over Star Wars, just because the games had a lot more time to advance in technology and design, plus I have never had an easy relationship with licensed games, for the most part. I have also never really gotten into Bioware's game design. I've tried Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Jade Empire, and always end up going back to Bethesda or CD Projekt.
The tag-team cage match actually looks like a good concept. I'd like to propose a future cage match of Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Symphonia versus Dragon Quest VIII and Dragon Quest XI.