I'm not even aware right now of what's coming out soon. I've had a lot to play as it is. A wealth of games, you might say
I'm not even aware right now of what's coming out soon. I've had a lot to play as it is. A wealth of games, you might say
I'm hoping to get Blood Dragon and Killzone Mercenary. Gotta wait till I get paid though.
Hmm, I should probably play the game first. Well, I'll need to buy it then. Well, I should probably play my copy of P3 Portable for my PSP
Ah, the backlog. What a pleasant burden lol. All I had from this past generation at first was a Wii, so I played a lot of the games from the early years. I've really fallen behind, though, in the last couple because I finally jumpled on board with the other consoles. I have those Project Rainfall RPGs too and had planned to play them last year. Yeah, that didn't happen. Hopefully this year. Sin and Punishment: Star Successor is really good, though it's pretty hard. I never did beat the final boss. It's an easy game to go back to though.
Don't feel back about missing a week. I was MIA for most of December lol. But glad you're back
I haven't read much the last couple years because life has been so busy but I started Mockingjay (the third Hunger Games book) recently and have made some decent progress. I read A Game of Thrones back in college and have since seen the first season of the show and picked up the other books but I haven't read them yet. I'm glad you didn't give any spoilers about the Red Wedding. At this point all I know is that something bad goes down and people die. I want to read more but it tends to be either gaming or reading...or blogging. So many choices
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is my favorite on that list. I love the cyberpunk setting. Dishonored is a close second but those are very similar games in regard to how they play and the choices given to the player. I would go with whichever of those seems to have the more interesting world to you. Just don't play them back to back.
I don't really have a desire to play Soul Hackers, especially after my experience with SMT IV, which was mostly positive, but I don't want to subject myself to the developmental ideas of 15 years earlier lol. Devil Survivor, on the other hand, I'd love to get, preferably the 3DS update.
I have Warhawk in one of those long PS1 cases. It's all busted up though lol. My wife says it looks like a giant cassette case.
I know people like Mario Kart Wii but I couldn't stand it because it seemed to take all the strategy out in favor of accessibility, as if the normal rubber band AI isn't bad enough. MK7 went a long way in restoring my faith in the series. I'm definitely interested to see how the Wii U game turns out.
I hope your PC runs BioShock without any problems. That's a great game. I haven't played the second one yet but I hear it's pretty good. Same great gameplay even if the story is less remarkable.
I'm interested to see how it works out. Will Sony just have everything available at once and all the time? Will they slowly add games a la Virtual Console? Will there be a rotating list of third party games? We don't know yet but Sony definitely has the resources to weather the learning curve of making this work, something that similar services in the past have not.