Posted on 12/19/2012 at 03:17 PM
| Filed Under Feature
It's all good.
So Dark Souls. Yeah, I think there's a log of "badge of honor" types that play that game, but the reason I liked it was it seemed fair to me. Yeah it challeneged the crap out of you, but I never felt like the game was cheap. I distinctly remember working on a couple of the enemies in the game for hours at a time, which in most games would have turned me right off, but I knew I kept screwing up, and I could pull it off, which kept me going, and when I did win, one of those victories was more satisfying to me than beating a lot of games has been.
Also, I have a couple of games with reversible covers. SMT: Strange Journey (DS) has an alternate cover you can switch to, and Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Wii) has a reversible one. I never actually use them, but I've always thought it was a cool idea.