Yeah, I like them too! Also, only 4 games on this list are pc exclusives. So all of the rest are available to most :)
Yeah, I like them too! Also, only 4 games on this list are pc exclusives. So all of the rest are available to most :)
Thanks. This year is great in that everyone at plus10damage has a completely different list. I mean COMPLETELY different lol. It's crazy.
That's a damn good price for brothers. It's free for ps+ memvers apparently too.
What system do you play?
Yeah, the katana is a huge part of the original too! And Shurikens! I might give it a go actually. I heard its great! Rise of the Triad is good... but good luck getting it to run. It runs like ass on my pc, which is why I never play it. It drops framerates on a lot of pcs though unfortunately.
Oh. The original Shadow Warrior is free on steam. Fuck dirt cheap bahahaha!
If you have a Playstation plus membership, Brothers is Free for this month, so maybe give it a shot? I adored it!
I read this a while back, I just didn't comment on it as there were a lot of picks I hadn't played. Actually, I haven't played any of your winners, and the only two I've played are Bit.Trip Runner 2, which is awesome, and Giana Sisters which is pretty neat too.
Fair enough. BTW Saints Row 1 is kinda terrible. Every other game is a million times better than it.
I started it, but tbh I never felt the need to finish it.
I hear amazing things about Galaxy, which is why I was hesitant to state it was the best platformer in general lol.
And really? Action RPGs and open world games aren't your thing then? Fair enough.
Yeah I've played it. I started an interview with one of the developers, but he kinda bailed on me on the third question and I never heard from him again. I asked him about what he thought of the increasing number of indie games that used the retro style and whether he thought it was harmful or helpful. Maybe it was a bit too edged for someone making a gameboy themed game. Then I didn't play it. I was supposed to get a review copy, but didn't, and after he abandoned the interview, I didn't much feel like playing his game.
But yeah. Brothers is amazing. Play to the end and you'll see why.
Fair enough. I'm still umming and ahing over getting a nintendo console though. Is is worth getting one?
Also, Travis' list just came out. I think it might be more in line with your tastes if you want to check it out: