Posted on 07/17/2013 at 12:49 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I dunno, I guess I have a split opinion on this. I guess it's cause I'm a newer gamer than probably all of you, and my earliest gaming memories were not the classics, but rather the early PS2 era. Strangely, I have almost all of the Final Fantasy games except for the PS2 era ones. But I digress, I love Square Enix to death, but sometimes I just get tired of them trying to be what they aren't. Square Enix is a JAPANESE company, but they are trying to appeal to WESTERN gamers, when the truth is, most western gamers would rather be playing a more Japanese Final Fantasy then watered down explosion after explosion. 13, for me was not a really enjoyable game. The lore is really cool and interesting if you are into that stuff, but none of it is explained in the game, and the only way you would know about it is if you went through the tedious menus and spent a day on the FF wiki. I, strangely, have the unadultered patience to go through all of that and I found the story actually pretty cool, but I can see why others wouldn't find it as interesting as I did. I think that in their quest to make the series more accesible, they actually made it more inaccesible.
But blaming Nomura on all of FF's problems is just silly, he's a good game maker in his own right, case in point, The World Ends With You, Kingdom Hearts, and FF7. Albeit he sometimes gets a bit carried away.
And if a reviewer who said that FF versus 13 would save Final Fantasy pans FF15 for being too action oriented instead of turn based, I literally gonna flip my shit. You knew it KH style gameplay from the VERY BEGINING STAHP COMPLAINING.