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NSonic79's Comments - Page 323

AFK: Memorial Day, Gamertag to face and NESing

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 03:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have to admit I do let my passions flow whenever I do play a game. I'm just glad I don't get too passionate to the point of rage quitting, damaged controllers on the other hand...

AFK: Memorial Day, Gamertag to face and NESing

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 03:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Glad you like the phots. I'm not too sure about them myself. Some of them make me look fat! Stretched out perhaps but then again I did feed on 4 good sized steaks after those photos where taken.

I'm more of a purist vampire person myself. They don't sparkle, they don't come out in the daylight, they don't feed on animal blood and they don't have venom in their teeth! If it wasn't for this bastarization of vampires this movie wouldn't have recieved the coverage it got. it would just be a bad romance movie quickly forgotten in the mists of time.

AFK: Memorial Day, Gamertag to face and NESing

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 03:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes I do! To the point where MysticalMist (teh wife) gets embarassed whenever we go out into the public! I've never been told it holds a Walking dead Vibe but I have recieved jokes about who's the new sheriff in town. You'd be suprised how much damaged I could do back in the day with a simple BB gun, I think the town police still have my home address memorized...

AFK: Memorial Day, Gamertag to face and NESing

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 03:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't understand it either. all three caravans have to between 21-27? an addtion of the two? between those numbers? There was one time when I had all three caravans at 26 each and I still didn't win! Looking forward to getting that trophy out of the way.

I forgot to link your blog in mentioning my thoughts on Kabuki Quantum Fighter but I ran out of time given the blog was written so late. I just hope people reailze you reviewed it not long ago. I was just annoyed by the lower floor enemies that get me when my hair attack didn't strike low enough to get them.

Some of those games are actually games I use to own but left them at my folks house since I don' thave a NES anymore. I have both legend of zeldas, the original TMNT and of course the super mario/duck hunt combo though the duck hunt won't work on an HD TV. the rest were games that my folks bought dirt cheep when they happen upon a garage/thrift sale in their travels. that's how they got super mario bros, 3, battletoads and double dragon. Perhaps I should do a picture blog of my folks NES collection. They even have te snazzy NES storage unit. thanks for the idea!

AFK: Memorial Day, Gamertag to face and NESing

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really can't see what people find funny about the Twilight series. I've heard pepole say the second movie was the funniest comedy of that year. But whenever I watch it I just see all the stupid actions being done that just grades on me. I kept arguing over every scene that happend when by most rights it made no sense why it happened only to be told by my folks to shut it!

AFK: Memorial Day, Gamertag to face and NESing

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Not sure if there is any prerequsiet in what your allowed to watch or not watch on Memorial day. I found it odd myself that I'd be playing Fallout New Vegas when that game feels more like a middle summer game than unofficall beginning of summer offering. But it sounds to me your stuck in Fall season gaming/movie watching to me ;)

A rick grimes hat? Please, I've been sporting this hat even before there was a Rick Grimes Cool

The "PC"ing of our gaming consoles has begun

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really don't mind the idea myself for if anything the new consoles gives us somthing difrerent from what we are use with current generation consoles. but I'm with you on the otehr negatives that have already been made well know, despite Microsoft's lack of clairification. I too hope that they will change their mind and reconsider these features. For me the negatives overshadow the postives the system has to offer.

I guess for me I'm too use to my PC being able to do other things than play games. the only games I usually played on my PC was the simple card games that were preinstalled in the PC, and that was only played to kill time. And even if PC's can offer a superior gaming experiance, I've found it to be too complicated to even get that far with control issues (I could never get a gamepad to work right), hardware issues (I never seem to have the right video/audio card, CPU), software issues (it was like every time I booted up a game I had to peform a software update/driver check), or the game woudln't work no matter what I did.

I'm not sure I'd be comfortable in having my console blurred to the point it's more PC than console but indeed Microsoft best fix the issues addressed during the Xbox reveal. It does have the means to be an al in one entertainment system, but thats all it'll be if it can't be more specific in what they hope to address in the gaming front.

The "PC"ing of our gaming consoles has begun

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

This might sound odd but I have to agree. Even if I do have a smart TV that can do some of these things, it is a unique beast of a system that is a different direction in what consoles had to offer. IT is interesting to see but it makes me wonder if the trade offs of what we use to enjoy in the last gaming generation are worth it.

I do get that feeling that this system was thought of more than just a gaming system. I've read commentary that this system does so much more than what Apple had planned for a similiar set up for our TV's, and I'm sure the Xbox One would make many investors happy in the choice demographics it'll touch. Yes happy for them yet not happy for many a gamer at the moment. It looks like that so far most gamers have caught on to this.

Now if the system will sell is the true test of Microsoft's pull on gamers. I want to say it won't for any gamer worth his salt wouldn't want to give up what we've got in console gaming for a few more quirks like digital content and cloud process computing. But then again I have talked to some younger gamers that are all the willing to embrace this future despite the fact that they would possibly kiss used games goodbye and occasionally have a high priced paperweight if they happen to lose internet service.  and that's not including those that might be curious about the non game aspects of the system that could win them over.

and if indeed PC gaming has steadly been on the decline, why would MS and Sony want to mimic their systems to be like PC's themselves. Wanting to change the demographic? create a new niche in gaming like a PC/console hybrid model? To me it seems that they are trying to gather all the benefits of PC gaming yet at the same time have their cake and eat it too with all the lockouts/DRM and antipiracy offerings that consoles had to offering with the tatics that PC's have used up till now.

INdeed I will admit that despite the system builds, the new bells and whisles can not be found on PC's but it does make me wonder if this'll bridge the gap between the two, thus us seeing these features coming soon to a PC build near you. We'll have to see this coming E3 when microsoft has the chance to lay all their cards on the table. It will be then we'll see if the console mimics more aspects of the PC than we realize, and if indeed could this be the dark age of gaming consoles. It'll be interesting to see how things turn out this June.  Glad you enjoyed the read!

The "PC"ing of our gaming consoles has begun

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's funny that way. When I was blogging about the terror that was Online Pass, most people thought I was going overboard. Now the roles are reversed where I am holding off on the Xbox One while others are going overboard!

Indeed we haev to sit and wait to see what will become. As much as I'd like to join in on the write offs of the Xbox One, I can't help but wait and see if only to get the full, complete picture of what Microsoft has in store for us. I guess when I see the full story I'll know what I'll say to it.

The "PC"ing of our gaming consoles has begun

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 02:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I guess you can consider that the silver lining in this potental dark cloud of what could be the next generation of gaming. at least they are making consoles but with that said what other plans could they have in mind. I'm sure the cloud process computing of the Xbox One could be the precursor to a non-console solution in future game releases.

I didn't give much stock in the "consoles are dead" argument given how they were saying the exact same thing about PC's not long ago. Even if moble gaming has caught on, I'm nto sure if they can continue the trend. My Little One has stopped playing my angry birds on my tablet PC because of the constant bombardment of ads during every other turn.

If we do see the future of gaming turn to digital, I'll be sure to only test those waters unlike others that are willing to dive in. I personally enjoy my physical copies if only pass them on to future generations. I do have ditigal copies of some phsycial copies I own, if only to use them to enjoy so my physical copies remain in pristine condition

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