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Super Step's Comments - Page 328

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/24/2017 at 09:28 PM | Filed Under Feature

I watched part of spaceballs on Netflix i think. I'll watch it if it's still there or on hulu.

Gaming Quickies

Posted on 05/23/2017 at 12:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You can still make it turn-based by putting it in Wait mode, I think. Since I prefer action, I left it alone.

I thought it was ok. I preferred what happened to what happened in FMA, but I kind of knew what was coming near the end and the last couple episodes were really just dedicated to wrapping everything up. I definitely think Brotherhood is the better series overall, and I loved the "He Who Would Swallow God" part as well as Olivier Armstrong's inclusion. 

Having said that, FMA still handled my favorite character, Maes Hughes, much better. 

So Done with Minecraft and the Return of the Halo Marathon

Posted on 05/22/2017 at 11:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I can't even get into sim racing games ... They make me wonder if I should even have a license.

So Done with Minecraft and the Return of the Halo Marathon

Posted on 05/22/2017 at 11:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

So Minecraft on survival mode is just real life

Episode 113: The Fourth is With Us

Posted on 05/22/2017 at 07:00 PM | Filed Under Feature

Can the next Stage Select be a number of games everyone would want for SNES Mini we'd actually trade in for other games? For instance, "what 3 obvious games would you replace with lesser known titles for your more personal list?" 

Rogue One's main problem for me is I just could not care less about the characters, except maybe the humorous robot. I actually felt worse when he died than when human characters did (even if the way certain human characters went was eerily beautiful). They're not bad characters, but they're not really explored enough to be interesting to me. 

Otherwise, I liked the story and action better than other Star Wars movies. I like that Gareth Edwards at least had more interesting stuff happening in the first two acts this time, so it the third act wasn't weighted quite as heavily over the first two as it was in Godzilla (2014). Having said that, the third act still blows everything else out of the water and I still think it's a bit slow to get there at times, but I was at least vaguely interested in the first two acts of Rogue One and would watch all of it at home, where I'd FF through much of Godzilla (2014) were I to watch it at home. 

The CG on Tarkin honestly didn't occur to me until the Internet pointed it out, because I was not aware of the actor's passing. Leia looked SUPER OBVIOUS CG to me, perhaps because I was aware of her having aged beyond that look, but it didn't bother me too much since she was only there for a second. I actually thought Jeff Bridges in Tron:Legacy was fine the first time I saw it, but found it more noticeable later. I still say Captain America: The First Avenger has been the most convincing facial CG so far to me (though that is also obvious upon subsequent viewings, especially because of the proportions).

I'll be interested in VR when I'm able to test it. Until then, its price range (PSVR is the ONLY one I'd even consider) and the fact I'm unable to really try it where I am makes it nonexistent to me ... even though I'm excited for its future. 

I've been having the itch to pick my guitar back up and learn some AudioSlave and SoundGarden songs since Chris Cornell's passing, and Rocksmith has me really curious. 

I hate checkpoint systems now. To be honest, I just feel those should only exist in the context of "only kids with that amount of time play this." Otherwise, I think checkpoints should be optional. I'd still turn them on for something like Metroid, but for me it's often more of a time issue than a difficulty one and just ends up being unnecessarily inconvenient.

I've never played Chrono Trigger, so I was never going to pick it. Tongue Out Can't wait to hear your rant about color though. Re: New Game Plus, Wikipedia (the greatest source on Earth that I totally wouldn't answer with a Patrick Stewart hands-in-face meme if I saw a student put that on a paper): The term was coined by the 1995 role-playing video game Chrono Trigger,[1] but examples can be found in earlier games, such as Digital Devil Story: Megami TenseiThe Legend of Zelda, and Ghosts 'n Goblins. I think it depends on what your definition of NGP is. I'm guessing Chrono Trigger let you use all the items and abilities you obtained on your second playthrough, while the inclusion of LoZ tells me they just mean a second game within the game. 

I think the mention of Robot Jocks caused the audio to change ... lol 

Comix Zone looks so cool, but I wonder if I'd be able to get very far in it. The fact he beat it 50 times is impressive to me despite having never played it, since it's known for difficulty. 

I almost picked Yoshi's Island lol. I love the art style. Again ... I miss color. When you say N64 "version" .... ? All I remember is Yoshi's Story, which was its own thing.

I'm not bothered by "feminist." I consider myself one. I don't think it means what a lot of people try to torture that word to mean. I'll donate if it's in my budget, but I may have got a bit crazy celebrating the end of my third semester teaching ... 

Always good to hear Weird Al; didn't realize he did that song to the tune of "American Pie." I need to look into his stuff more. 

What is that "keep firing assholes" thing at the end from?

Going back to Cali...replace Cali with school

Posted on 05/22/2017 at 04:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

What you goin' on back to that there school farm for, boi?! 

This how we Texas professors be talkin'! (No it's not; please don't take that seriously).

Another Lego Game Off Mount Backlog

Posted on 05/22/2017 at 02:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Here in Nac, it's been torrential downpours followed by clear blue skies every day. I kinda like it. 

I don't need more LEGO games, but I was thinking yesterday I need to buy LEGO batman movie.

I'm just glad fidget spinners never made it into my classroom. I see friends online arguing they shouldn't be taken away cause they help with ADD but 1) go through the proper channels if that's the case and 2) there has to be something less distracting to help you.

Meet the Skylanders - Life Giants

Posted on 05/20/2017 at 02:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Is it just not having anything to do? You could start writing a book or get into something else creative.

Mining Disasters and a Scent of Prey

Posted on 05/20/2017 at 12:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh it looked like GARBAGE on my roommate's SDTV (ad), I meant it looked like an interesting game to play.

Meet the Skylanders - Life Giants

Posted on 05/20/2017 at 12:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

If you have access to therapy and anti-depressants, they helped me out along with diet and exercise. Last year was the worst year of my life emotionally. This year, it's like I'm so happy I'm almost immune to the crap going on in our country. Almost ...

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