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Angelo Grant's Comments - Page 35

Let's talk musicianship: prog and classic rock

Posted on 06/26/2012 at 11:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Pink Floyd also = perfect.

No Tool? I think they would probably be considered prog mettal, but I don't give a crap. Danny Carey cranks out beats that break my friggin brain. It takes me a while to count their songs out, much less actually play them, and on top of that, they manage to have an awesome sound as well. A lot of times I think prog devolves into a bunch of highly skilled musicians showing off without creating anything that's actually fun to listen too. Tool (and Perfect Circle since most of the band is the same) manages to pull it off every time. 

Max Payne 3 Review

Posted on 06/26/2012 at 10:52 AM | Filed Under Review

Just an FYI, Amazon is selling this as an all day gold box deal today (6/26/12) for 39.99

Nintendo 3DS XL Announced

Posted on 06/25/2012 at 05:18 PM | Filed Under News

I'm not torn at all, I'm not getting one. Like you, I like my portable systems to be, well... portable. This this is way too big to haul around on a daily basis. Additionally, if they end up making a circle pad pro for it, can you imagine how much more massive it will be?  Yeah, no thanks, I'll stick with my Zelda themed 3DS.

I Am Alive Review

Posted on 06/25/2012 at 10:25 AM | Filed Under Review

Just wanted to post my anticipation for Dishonored. Had a little chat with one of the devs via twitter who cited Thief as a major influence on the title. Sold.

Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe Review

Posted on 06/22/2012 at 02:47 PM | Filed Under Review

Just curious, but did you play these on the Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection compliation? Any idea how this release compares to that?

Nintendo Land Preview

Posted on 06/19/2012 at 05:15 PM | Filed Under Preview

I had the same experience while writing this. I can honestly see the game's potential, but only as a pack in. This NEEDS to ship with the Wii U.  Oddly enough, I can see it selling the system, but I can't see people buying the system and this game.

Let's talk musicianship: metal

Posted on 06/14/2012 at 02:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow, those work really well as 8-bit pieces. Sweet Shadow in particular is amazing. I could almost see it as a score to a darkly themed classic platformer.

Just for fun, I wanted to see if any of our favorite bands got the Mario Pant treatment. I didn't find any In Flames, but no other band is safe. Behold!

Metallica: Master of Puppets, Mario Pant edition! (the creators of Doom cite Metallica as one of their musical influences. It's easy to see that when it's reduced this way.)

I hear you like Iron Maiden, so does Mario! (this one sounds pretty good actually!)

Even Coheed and Cambria isn't safe from Mario Paint's clutches!

And Just because I know you love it, Mario visits Morrowind! so bad it made me laugh, but it's still an oddly beautiful melody, even sounding like this.

Tomba! Releasing on PSN Next Week

Posted on 06/14/2012 at 11:26 AM | Filed Under News

The platforming in this game is so good! I'm glad I can play it again without paying a small fortune for the CD.

Dust: An Elysian Tail Preview

Posted on 06/14/2012 at 10:35 AM | Filed Under Preview

Man do I wish this were a boxed product. This is a game I'd love to have an artbook or manual, or even just box and disk art for, but I'd rather have digital only than nothing at all.

Dishonored Preview

Posted on 06/13/2012 at 05:30 PM | Filed Under Preview

The more I learn about the game, the more excited I am for it. If this thing makes good on it's promises, I'll be more addicted to this than I was to any other game this generation.

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