What I want to know is... is that an additional green or red gamepad or is it just a shell covering the black one?
What I want to know is... is that an additional green or red gamepad or is it just a shell covering the black one?
I feel your pain.
Yep, me too.
That would be really cool and I would buy it all over again
I know what you mean. Jumping into Bob-omb Battlefield for the first time and being able to run all over the place is one of my top gaming memories. I liked Galaxy but being restricted to a tiny sphere just didn't do it for me.
I hear ya loud and clear Philip. Every time I mention a new system I get the evil eye.
Wives, can't live with 'em, can't trade 'em for a Wii U. :)
Full marks Cap!
I wanted to see if anyone got the reference. :)
Brain: Are you pondering what I'm pondering
Pinky: I think so Brain but if Jinmmy cracks corn and nobody cares, why does he keep doing it?
I'm not a fighting game fan either. I used to buy a few of them but I'm so bad at them I just stopped.
I still need to finish the Puppeteer too but I really enjoyed the presentation and the graphics. I loved the way things sort of fell out of the sky and the feeling that it was a Play of sorts. I'll take a hundred more like it rather than some of the pointless AAA sequels we suffer through every year.
OK, I don't suffer through them but I find their existence offensive. LOL
I played the very first Atelier game (Iris) to death and just bought the first game in the Dusk series in hopes that I can rekindle the love. The second game on PS2 I couldn't get into so I stopped playing despite buying Grand Phantasm.