The puns are pretty funny (some of them)
The puns are pretty funny (some of them)
Especially England, amiright?
After writing this blog, I actually want to get the SNES carts of his second and third games. I think the second one (Robocod) is not bad.
LOL clearly this is the first time you've heard of the guy
It's such a blatant rip-off that it's kinda embarrassing.
wait wait wait, there are BLUE cats?
Seriously though, you're pbably right about Karnov being forgotten because the company went under, but I think they could've made a couple more Karnov games before they went kaput.
That's a very good point since the Cold War was still a hot button issue in the world.
That's not a bad idea. It would make a chess a little more exciting.
True, games today tend to get national attention and even indie games are usually released in all regions.
I think they require a lot of patience, but I also haven't played them.