If you can round up two peeps to sit on the sofa and play it with you, definitely give it a go. It's a ton of fun and readily available on Virtual Console.
If you can round up two peeps to sit on the sofa and play it with you, definitely give it a go. It's a ton of fun and readily available on Virtual Console.
Secret of Mana is probably the best place to jump in because it's readily available on Virtual Console, though the best way to play it is with two friends or siblings. That's a blast. Final Fantasy Adventure on the Game Boy, which is actually the first Mana game, is pretty good. Legend of Mana on the PS1 is a love it or hate it kind of game. I think it's hard to get into The rest are kind of hit or miss, unfortunately, except Seiken Densetsu 3...but like you said, it's never been officially localized
Some people turn their nose up at it but I think that's mostly a case of disliking something that has been successful. It's kind of like the granddaddy of video game books and it's a really interesting read, so I'd definitely encourage you to track down a copy even if, like me, you get it from the library lol
One of my friends on Facebook posted a video of this thing and it looks pretty cool, though like you asked, is it necessary? Could be pretty cool if it works well and isn't too expensive. We'll see.
Cool beans. I've noticed several little changes to the message system that have really make it easier to use. Keep up the good work!
I see Two Worlds II every time I go to GameStop and have always wondered if it's any good. Hope you get around to writing that blog sooner or later.
I have Majora's Mask on the GameCube collector's edition but I haven't played it. Been meaning to for years though. My younger brother tried it and got stuck on one part because he kept running out of time lol. Glad you finally finished it. That is a great feeling
I'd like to read more video game books but they tend to be a little pricey and I can't bring myself to spend the money lol. I did find David Sheff's seminal book Game Over at the library when I was in junior high. Man, I loved that book. It's really good. That's where I first heard the story of Tetris. And it's crazy the things Nintendo had to do to get the NES in American stores.
I have the Wii version of Muramasa. Haven't played it yet but my brother did and really liked it. I bet it will really pop on the Vita screen though.
I have the PS3 version of this. Haven't played it yet but sounds like it was a good game to get lol