I agree.
Honetly though, I gave up on fighting games about a decade ago. The only thing I really want to see from Capcom is a good, high quality, new Mega Man title.
In other words, I'm condemned to eternal disappointment.
I agree.
Honetly though, I gave up on fighting games about a decade ago. The only thing I really want to see from Capcom is a good, high quality, new Mega Man title.
In other words, I'm condemned to eternal disappointment.
Well I'll be pre-ordering this soon.
Well, on the positive side, 2013 is shaping up to be one heck of a year...
I haven't held one, but It looks like those thumb sticks are still kinda high. I really don't know about this thing. I love the idea, but I worry a lot about the execution.
And yes Jesse, the name is dumb.
More links to Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier, the games share the same developer. The good news is that Atlus localized that game for the DS, so there's a chance they'll look into doing this one too.
I also understand that Haken and Kaguya (Kaguya is the girl with the toothy sword in the first screen shot) from the Endless Frontier universe will be appearing, which confirms that the games are indeed related, and that there will be... um... excessively bouncy animations present.
Considering my background (I attended a seminary school for my college degree), I felt obligated to respond to this thread the min I found out it was on the topic of Religion, but honestly, I don't have much to say. I think a lot of different views were discussed and nobody pooed on anybody for their beliefs, or the beliefs of others that weren't represented. More importantly, you guys had inoffensive (to me anyway) fun with what is usually a pretty toothy topic to bring up, so good work guys.
This might put me at odds with a lot of people, but I have no problem with on disk DLC. You're getting what you paid for as advertised. If you don't like what is offered, don't buy it.
Thankfully, it looks like that is finally happening, and it sounds like Capcom has noticed. What I fear is that this is now addressing the wrong issue. What people are (or I feel should be) truly upset about is being tricked into buying something less than what they paid for or expect, regardless of the content being on disk or not. People now realize that if they wait long enough, like you said, there will be a better edition offered that includes everything at a better price. Why not wait? I agree. Furthermore, I think it would benefit Capcom to stop making multiple versions of the same product and follow a structure similar to the one you talked about, or simply just create a single version and stick to it.
Etrian Odyssey III is fantastic. If I hadn't bricked my healer I probably would have finished it.
It's a shame there's no equivalent to a "beast tamer" class (or if there is, I'm unaware of it. I haven't beaten the game either) If there was, you could play with snakes. On a plane.
That game is amazing. Best use of the job system EVER. I thought the story was pretty lame though.