I've been watching that game for 3DS but I haven't picked it up yet even though it can be found for less than $20 now. I played the demo an thought it was fun.
I've been watching that game for 3DS but I haven't picked it up yet even though it can be found for less than $20 now. I played the demo an thought it was fun.
Only 9 days left but if you can't do it you can't do it.
Yeah, here's me thinking cool I'll be able to play both Tombas on my PSP. There's no indication anywhere that the game is in Japanese.
Well since I pretty much trust your judgement on a lotta things I'll check it out.
The Tomba! games are great 2.5 D platformers with RPG elements. I'm going to have to find a translation doc to play this one. You don't know until you've bought it that it's not what you think.
I have the green one but it developed that special feature where your character moves to the right all on their own. :D
I like it. it would be cool if it came with a matching N64
Yeah but Thief doesn't pay that well.
I don't pirate anything, at least in theory. I had a ton of music I "borrowed" on an external drive but my rule is, listen to it to decide If I like it and then buy it or delete it depending on the result. I also had no qualms about downloading music if I already had the vinyl. It's no different from recording albums to cassette to listen to them in the car is it?
That reminds me, I have the new QotSA in the car and I've only heard about 3 songs from it.
Games and movies I have never pirated.
Last gen was the first time in ages I didn't buy controllers in all manner of colours.
For the Gamecube and PSX I bought mini controllers for my kids too. I have plastic buckets full of the controllers I'll never use again in my basement.