Posted on 06/24/2011 at 02:07 PM
| Filed Under Preview
I'm waiting for the Wii U version, who's with me?!
I'm waiting for the Wii U version, who's with me?!
I like the game but never played it much either. It requires a time commitment I don't have. I wish Valve would show Left 4 Dead as half as much love as this series gets.
That's an ugly looking game.
Also, I will get revenge for killing me in Mafia.
nothing is grabbing me from that list.
Yeah the tech demoes like that shield game don't have much interest for me. The bird demo, the Zelda demo, and the Ghost Recon demo all looked good.
This HD Zelda is getting me HYPED
I enjoyed Trine a lot more than I thought I would when I got it in the Humble Frozen bundle. I hope this version comes out for Linux as well.
I keep hearing buzz about this game, it looks odd.