Smash Bros. and Persona Q.
Smash Bros. and Persona Q.
Looks like an interesting enough game. Though with some past experiences with the 3DS camera, I need to really brighten up my room if I want to get the most use out of it.
I don't grind my teeth, at least that I'm aware of anyway. My headaches are more sinus related.
I'm not allergic to anything, that I know of at least. It's just the humidity affecting my sinuses.
Yeah, it's sinus problems. Just one of the many reasons I dislike the warmer months.
Soul Calibur Warriors sounds like a good idea. There was a single-player mode in Soul Calibur III that had some strategy elements to it, it'd be kind of interesting to see that idea more fleshed out.
I liked the demo a lot. I suffered a bit of lag when I was playing against my brother, but that easily could've been due to the fact that my 3DSs' battery was getting close to dying at the time.
This is something that's bugged me for a while, too. I'm ok with criticism, but reading an article comprised solely of a person who's supposed to be a professional just insulting someone and their artwork simply because they found it in poor taste is way over the line.
I guess artistic freedom's only a thing until the first person gets offended.
I've been watching The Strain as well, and I'm enjoying it a lot. My brother's already read through all three of the books, so I've been doing my best (and failing) to resist the urge to ask him about spoilery-type stuff.
Best of luck with everything!
Have fun at Disney World!