Super Hexagon is an amazing, simple game.
The house in Gone Home is a little creepy. It's a good game to play in an evening, and you could probably do it together to keep each other safe.
Super Hexagon is an amazing, simple game.
The house in Gone Home is a little creepy. It's a good game to play in an evening, and you could probably do it together to keep each other safe.
I have a Gyruss in my garage. There's only room for one cabinet in the house, so Gyruss is going to stay out there for now. I've though about making half the garage a mini-arcade after our plans to move to a bigger house went away. I was planning to acquire games over a couple of years and then make a dedicated arcade room, but we decided to stay put.
Good. Of all people, you deserve one!
Good blog over yonder. I'm only responding here lest I forget to ever go back there and see if you replied to my reply.
I bet the swiping works alright for this game, but man, do I prefer buttons in a big way.
Dude, I love Anarachy Reigns. Some of it gets a little repetitive, but I thought it was pretty funny and I liked what they did with the story, actually. The multiplayer made my heart literally race and I've been scared to go back to it after I finished reviewing it.
It is pretty great. It's British, though, so they focus on some stuff we don't care too much about in the states. Lots of C64 and Spectrum articles, but normally I find it interesting anyway. They also have nice, purdy layouts normally too. Getting a subscription is out of the question since it's about a hundred bucks to get it shipped here. You can get single issues at Barnes & Noble and it's not too pricey once in a while.
They had bi-monthly print issues. The articles were normally pretty out of date at that point, as you can imagine. I love print magazines, though, so I wanted it to work out, but alas.
I should check it out. I've been avoiding shooting doodz for a while, but I'll get back to it.
That looks like a cool book!