Wow, two shout outs in a row! I feel special!
I think Nintendo's online publishing errors go even further than just Wii Ware. Consider their re-released console games. All they really do is emulate them, with no concessions to modern gaming sensibilities. I'm not looking for a re-design, but consider the effort put into the game we recently played (TMNT arcade classic.) It was little more than the arcade game ported to consoles, but whoever did it, put in the effort to make the game playable online. Compare that with Nintendo's classics available online. There's currently no way for me to, say, join up with my brother for a game of Balloon Fight without one of us visiting the other. Consider as well that many of the PC emulators available contain netcode making it completely possible, but not exactly easy, to do precisely that. It does seem that Nintendo is more online-aware now than they were in the past, so here's hoping that they step up their game when they release the Wii U.