Honor? Honor? I'll show you honor when I shove my foot up up you - ah forget it. *gives gift basket*
Honor? Honor? I'll show you honor when I shove my foot up up you - ah forget it. *gives gift basket*
I didn't used to either. I found once I found the right hero though, I really enjoyed it. The game is really deep once you get a hold of it, and trying out different builds is a joy!
Yeah. I was annoyed that he wasn't following our advice either. We told him to change lanes because he was trying to take mid, which a beginner really shouldn't do. We told him to go jungle, because he might be good at that and at least if he died he wasn't feeding the other team.
Yeah, even when I have a bad player on my team, I'm usually nice to them, and I'll give them advice over the chat or something, but this guy just really annoyred me. Btw, you should totally play it with me sometime. I want to get a pixlbit team together!
Oh yeah! Pretty sure I read part of it, but missed most of it! I shall endeavor to keep up with this one!
No definitely not lol! Well, you shall have a lot more of my comment love!
I usually hate multiplayer, but for some reason I got addicted to LoL... Still don't know why.
Yeah, it's a damn lot of fun too. Especially once you get good, or at least used to a hero. If you play with me add me! Or send me a message with your account.
Lol. I just get those stupid "meet girls" ads everywhere. I'm on a gaming site, I don't want to meet girls right now!
Wow. This is a big undertaking. Can't wait to see what the top 20 are! This was pretty amusing too though.