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Michael117's Comments - Page 46

Wii U Deluxe Zelda bundle, and Wind Waker HD gets "hard mode"

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 12:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

If I could shake the money tree and find $300 I'd like to get this, but I'll be backed up for quite a while. There's still a few games I want to get for 360, there's actually too many games coming out this fall and winter for me to ever buy. I have make priorities and pick a couple or a few for 360 I want most.

I also want to save up for a PS3 most of all since I've been waiting this whole generation to get one and now is the perfect time. I'll be playing a PS3 and catching up on all the Sony games I missed out on during the beginning of this PS4/Xbox One generation.

Wii U Deluxe Zelda bundle, and Wind Waker HD gets "hard mode"

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 12:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

If you've never played Wind Waker before you would be in for quite a treat. It's a beautiful game, fun mechanics, nice music, characters, and you can get a good sense of exploration and agency if you're playing it for the first time.

Wii U Deluxe Zelda bundle, and Wind Waker HD gets "hard mode"

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 12:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Are you interested in the upcoming A Link Between Worlds for 3DS, the game that will take place in the same world as A Link to the Past?

Wii U Deluxe Zelda bundle, and Wind Waker HD gets "hard mode"

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 12:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You pre-ordered it right Nicole? I thought I saw that in a new blog of yours. When you do get your hands on it you should blog about it and tell us what you think of it all once you unbox it and get to play with it all and see that awesome black and gold gamepad.

Wii U Deluxe Zelda bundle, and Wind Waker HD gets "hard mode"

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 12:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm with you, I love this bundle but won't be able to get it. I'm going to get a PS3 super slim this year hopefully and I have a bunch of games I want to play for it that I missed out on.

Wii U Deluxe Zelda bundle, and Wind Waker HD gets "hard mode"

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 12:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You never played Wind Waker Chris?!

I think you'll be in for quite a treat. Just pop the game on Hero Mode and play through it for the first time with all the HD upgrades, new mechanics, etc. This remake will likely be the best version of the game and you'll be able to play it for the first time. You won't even have to search for all those horrible triforce pieces in the ocean like all of us did, they reduced the number of shards to 3 I think, it used to be quite a bit more and it was tedious. There's so many awesome things about the vanilla game, and this remake just fixes a lot of the things that weren't great about the vanilla game, introduces some cool new ideas, and is in HD of course. You'll be in for a treat, it's a fun one and this will be the best version.

Wii U Deluxe Zelda bundle, and Wind Waker HD gets "hard mode"

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 11:56 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Thank you Joaquim! I like the way all of that sounds. Playing Souls games has made me quite fond of pattern striking and that style of cautious combat. I imagine Hero Mode will be quite challenging when it comes to keeping those hearts up. When you start out Zelda games you have very few hearts until you begin collecting heart pieces, and with enemies doing 2X damage it will likely be perilous, especially early on. I wonder what those boss battles will feel like. It should be pretty cool, I'm even more excited now.

Wind Waker Retrospective Review!

Posted on 08/27/2013 at 08:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Majora's Mask has been my favorite for a long time because of the systems, the cast of characters in the Bomber Notebook, side quests, and the variety of mechanics you can use by switching masks. But Wind Waker is pretty close, it certainly has the best art of any Zelda game at the very least.

The sailing was real interesting the first time you play the game and everything is a mystery. Once you know your way around it's a pain in the ass and takes forever. I really wish they would add a fast travel option to each island once you discover them, like most other open world games do, the good ones at least. A faster sail is nice, I'd definitely use it, but fast travel is even nicer and wastes less of the player's time.

As far as HD upgrades go this one they're doing for Wind Waker looks like it could be one of the better examples of a good remake I've seen in a while. There's obviously the HD bump and better lighting, but the mechanical addendums are most interesting, like the message in a bottle system is really awesome.

Game & Wario Review

Posted on 08/26/2013 at 06:00 PM | Filed Under Review

The mini-game where you save farm animals from UFOs reminds me of the concept of the mission in Majora's Mask where Link meets up with Romani at Romani Ranch late at night to fend off ghost aliens that try to take away the cows.

Overall Game & Wario isn't something I'd want for Wii U. The games that make me want a Wii U are Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, ZombiU, Windwaker HD, and Pikmin 3. If I got a Wii U I'd be happy to play those.

Blog #6

Posted on 08/23/2013 at 08:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You've got an adorable set of kiddos James.

Did you get the ultimate edition of DA: Origins for your 360, with all the DLC and expansion pack? I've never played Origins but I'd like to, I want to get that ultimate version when I get the chance.

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