Hmmmm... hmmmmm...hmmmm... I like them both. I would pick the second track because it makes sense to me from the "Beetlejuice" like vibe that I'm getting from your game.
Hmmmm... hmmmmm...hmmmm... I like them both. I would pick the second track because it makes sense to me from the "Beetlejuice" like vibe that I'm getting from your game.
Drop everything, and get to playing Portal 2. GO! GO! GO!
The first Portal is great, but Portal 2? It far surpasses Portal in many ways. Although I still prefer Still Alive to Want You Gone.
Ikaruga with a bird... hahaha it's simple, but given your level of expertise I would say to keep at it. That means it's fine, not as in "oh gawd what a piece of shit" fine. Why is the sound in mono?
I see it as nothing but a harmless taunt. Immature? Of course, considering they're professionals.
Is this what happened Blake? (Skip to 1:44 if you want to)
I would say that the Netherlands have a good men's football team, and I wouldn't use the FIFA ranking as evidence because of its inconsistency. For a while they had England (which was playing awfully, and still are) in 5th ahead of teams that could outright tear them apart. I would say that the US definitely has a great women's football team, but the men's still has a lot of work to do.
The gates to hell are open. Thanks Travis.