They certainly are. Now to find the time to finish them. :)
They certainly are. Now to find the time to finish them. :)
These might be a little pricey but you can't go wrong with Sennheiser. They are an actual headphone company so it's all about the sound rather than slapping a brand name on some generic 'phones and doubling the price. This is a European site so I have no idea what these cost over here.
As if my message box isn't full enough, I have to hear about your bodily malfunctions. LOL.
I may join Yargz in that rant. :)
I have Vesperia (the LE that I was supposed to get a soundtrack for buying but never did.) I played a lot of it but never finished it. What I did play was great though.
I bought Magna Carta 2 because I heard it was better than the first one but that is not much of a compliment since the first one is awful times infinity! I haven't really played it yet so I can't judge.
XCOM was free on PSN but I haven't played it yet either.
Yep, I'm hoping this is really good. We'll have to wait and see.
I would have picked up Knights in the Nightmare too but didn't have enough left.
I've been waiting for the physical game to drop in price but it is still $29.99 at EB. For the price though I couldn't resist the PSN version.