Heh..Well I guess that's what keeps me from reading even though I've thought about reading up on some stuff to possibly help with character building/stories I might play with..
Heh..Well I guess that's what keeps me from reading even though I've thought about reading up on some stuff to possibly help with character building/stories I might play with..
I kinda use tinypic and imger..But I mostly use tiniypic as i sore a lot there.(And they have no gig limit like photobucket..)Imgur because it has an app and I can also download images from it unto my phone.
Well..Could just be sorta a dump of quick things featuring your work,such as if it centers around a certain theme or soemthing..I dunno I guess I am just used to rambling when I find the time..Haha thanks.~ It's what takes up a lot of spare time so it's about the most I have to share a lot of the time..Which reminds me I should get around to getting a few photos uploaded..Some of the backlog is starting to buildup..
Ah..Just curious. Would you think of showing any work you do with it around here? Haha I just kinda like seeing stuff by people that they put themselves into..~
Hehe..I see. It does sound like drawing/sculpting might be a good thing to devote to wokring with..Probably just need to pick your favorite 'style' to work with since I wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of different was people practice with things such as sculpting..~ But I have seen a fair amount of stuff on deviantArt when it comes to drawing.
What's got you conflicted and or hesitant about it?
Oh,I guess I kinda figured photography might be something you did or I guess that's more of a hobby..Heh,that's good to know.^_^ By the way have you posted any of your photos around here?
Heheh..By the way,how have you been?
Heh..Yeah I guess there might be some creativity even in meschievious times..~(The pciture wasn't drawn by me though I found it.)Haha yes I know.