I tried playing SFXMM, my retro skills are lacking
I tried playing SFXMM, my retro skills are lacking
You might want the external one, it doesn't over heat the laptop. Digital unless you have a good connection will take hours and it's an 8gb game or so it might take half a day.
That reminds mr, I need to make a GOG account, might start with The Witcher.
Don't ask, you're too young
Like said, I thought about it but the Saturn had more buttons so i never bothered 0but then again there's a SNES controller for £5, so maybe.
Hey don't talk about the police to a Black guy, make me nervous.
I'll try it out, thanks
I am, it seems like a very tactcical game and unbelievably tense.
Mine could just, but I had to turn almost everything off to get it done smoothly :P
It is, maybe it's just Max's commentary but that game looks friggin awesome!
Some are bought some are borrowed, I try not to throw what I may use later out. I may decide getting a 360 controller out of practicality.