It's a pretty original idea. And kind of relaxing in a way. Kind of how sometimes cleaning relaxes people. I had a relative who loved to vacuum for instance, and I like to do laundry in the same way. The game just got too maticulous for me.
It's a pretty original idea. And kind of relaxing in a way. Kind of how sometimes cleaning relaxes people. I had a relative who loved to vacuum for instance, and I like to do laundry in the same way. The game just got too maticulous for me.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
I reviewed a few of the Ben 10 games a long time ago. Never watched the cartoon, though.
I really loved this game when I reviewed it. Probably one of the best indie games I played last year.
I'm so glad you got the LIttle Nemo game. It's one of my favorite NES games. I don't know if you has a NES to play it on, but I hope you can make time to play it soon because it's so awesome. That was the game that caused me to try and learn more about Little Nemo the newspaper comic strip from the 1900s that this game is based on. Really interesting stuff.
Rampage: Total Destruction got a lot of bad reviews back in the day. I didn't think it was THAT bad, but I don't think it was any better than Rampage: World Tour either. Did you know I met the guy who did the box art for Rampage: Total Destruction?
I really didn't like Tales of Zestiria that much. I got it because I read that Go Shiina, my favorite game composer, did some of the music in the game. Turns out he did very little of it so I was disappointed. And I had a hard time getting into the game otherwise. My favorites Tales game is Tales of Legendia on the PS2, which Go Shiina did ALL the music for. It's known as the 'black sheep' of the Tales series, but I like it anyway!
Here's some video game songs I think are pretty:
Sacrifice from ActRaiser
Lost Harmony Among People from Ys Seven
Terra's Theme from FF6
Not sure if I've ever played an AO rated game. I think those are pretty rare.
I'm behind in modern RPGs. They probably don't even use palette swapped monsters anymore.
Talk about JRPG monsters enough and you will.
Sounds like an interesting read. I had a comic book history of the world and a comic book Bible I loved as a kid.