Make me choose between MediEvil and Legacy of Kain. You heartless bastard!
Make me choose between MediEvil and Legacy of Kain. You heartless bastard!
Well you have an excuse since the 3DS is no longer new. LOL It will play all your DS games too. :)
I was wondering when you'd pop in. I don't think I'll buy the game but the demo at least held my interest.
It's definitely a good game and frankly I'd go physical too. Oh wait I already did. I thought it might be a good idea for those who don't care about passing their games along.
I have 4 wireless 360 controllers but I have not seen just the adapter. This one was only $39.99 so other than the million feet of wire between the controller and the USB port it's not an expensive solution. Plus I don't have to mess with batteries.
Yeah it has a solid feel to it since it really is a wired 360 controller with a USB attachment. See how I avoided the word "dongle" there? LOL
I just need to figure out how to turn vibration off. It got really annoying in Saints Row the Third after about 2 minutes.
20 bucks Ben. If it's a similar price down in the Altered States you must find it young Jedi.
This is the first one I've ever tried since it was a free demo. I decided to be Pikachu. I played for a bit and didn't hate it.
Curses, foiled again. LOL
I'm probably not going to make it through this weekend without giving in to that Zone of the Enders HD.
Yep, my experience with the 3DS has gone from "did I make a mistake buying this thing" to "Gee I'm glad I have a 3DS". This is a killer year for 3DS releases. Hey I might even buy a Pokemon game. :D