See you're still the nicest guy in the world Vic lol, I really appreciate you taking my complaints and points so well and being able to make sense of the walls of text and banter between Ben and myself.
A week or so ago when Jesse here at the site posted his Rage Quit blog about the Xbox One I actually touched on a lot of the points you mentioned here and let him know why I was upset with the Xbox One. I loved the games MS showed at E3, and I'm a huge Halo campaign and expanded universe fan since the beginning, but MS's policies killed the entire system for me at the time. Namely the internet requirement, and their apparent lacking (not absence of, but severe lacking) of inclusiveness and support for indie games. I'm similar to you in that I don't have much of a problem with digital downloads as long as they're done well and physical media is still an option for those consumers that prefer it and want to pay a little extra. On a side note I believe that over the course of this generation digital will become more and more popular to the point where it will be the primary method of consumption for many people and hopefully these companies will learn from Steam and keep the prices of digital lower and also offer big sales to entice people, but physical will always be a part of the consumer's options if they're willing to pay the premium for them like we do nowadays already. It's a fact that physical is still popular despite the growing popularity of digital, and seeing as these companies like to make money it would be a good business practice to always give those physical consumers options they prefer and continue to make some money off it.
Back to the Xbox One, the internet requirement made me angry because designing a console around the assumption that everybody is connected to not only high quality internet but reliable internet all day everyday is silly. It bones tons of people not just in America but especially worldwide like you mentioned your cousins in Chile, not to mention alienating most of the military personnel that play games offline and appreciate games as an escape from their everyday stresses. I personally prefer an offline console because I believe that consoles and PCs should remain different in at least that aspect. The infrastructure of consoles are totally representative of a PC now, but I want to still be able to play offline games, offline. Consoles are suppose to be simpler and faster than PC gaming, you should only need a system, a TV, AV/HDMI cables, and a power outlet. Adding internet to that requirement throws a wrench into the whole system that makes console gaming appealing in the first place. It's suppose to be simple and fast and I believe internet requirements hurt that appeal and would've kept the console out of the hands of quite a few people.
The sluggish and minimal support they showed for indie developers at E3 really put me off because inclusiveness is one of the biggest things I want to see expand in this coming generation. I want the industry to be more inclusive, I want tech to be shared even more, I want to keep getting high quality development tools and design education into the hands of as many people as possible so that we can build an increasing environment of community creativity, inspiration, challenge, and artistic freedom. I'm a budding designer and I'm not only interested in game building but also in education. I can tell that there's no shortage of creativity and ideas in the gaming industry. One of the big secrets of this craft of game design is that there's in fact too many ideas, the problem is there's not enough people who are technically qualified to implement them and create the games they want to see. The more educated designers we have out in the market with high quality development tools, the better chance we have to increase the diversity and quality of gaming content. Sony is definitely courting indie developers, but MS's minimal support of it has frustrated me a great deal.
MS showed a lot of great games I'd like to play but they killed it with those policies, meanwhile Sony won me over on every level. Now that the conversation has changed and the majority of the things I disliked about the Xbox One have changed, MS's product is far more appealing to me. Sony still has an edge for me because The Witness is coming out first for PS4, and Sony is also doing a much better job of courting indie developers. And I can't forget the $100 price difference, the PS4 is extremely appealing and I'm going to want one, but now finally the Xbox One appeals to me much more than it originally did. Maybe someday I can have an XBO as well and I don't have to miss out on the Halo games I love. If in fact I buy a PS4 first as I plan to, at least I'll have Bungie's Destiny to play and that will certainly scratch my sci-fi shooter itch really well.
I'm quite attracted to both consoles, I just want to see the Pixlbit community show some more positivity about the console war and not turn into a haven for any fanboys from any side. We had legitimate complaints about the Xbox One (some of us still do), but in no time at all those legitimate complaints got drowned out by hyperbole, "Lol's", sensationalism, and way more negativity than the situation probably called for. One of the things I've loved about this place and one of the reasons why I've championed Pixlbit for so long is the fact that when you look around the community users and staff they all have incredibly varied tastes in gaming. People play on all different consoles, have all different types of childhood nostalgia for the varieties of historical gaming companies, and have loves of very different genres. But throughout all the time I've been here we have all been able to have debates and discussions with a lot of positivity and inclusiveness. I was afraid that all of that was starting to change during this console war, people were being so negative and one-sided without stepping back to take a breath. Console wars are naturally pretty messy, but I don't want to see the positivity, inclusiveness, and constructive debates this site has always had be spoiled by it.