They're fun games, and one day I'm going to actually finish them. I always get shot down in random spots.
They're fun games, and one day I'm going to actually finish them. I always get shot down in random spots.
I am jealous of your X-Com pickup. I bought a disc only copy a year or two before Blockbuster closed. Also nice pickup on the DS. $10 less with New Super Mario is a good deal.
Yeah it's tough being in Southern California right now
It would be nice if these cable channels were a la carte. There are a handful of channels I wish I could get but the local cable channels only offer them in packs (one or two really good channels bundled with a bunch of terrible channels).
No worries about the Chloe Wang singles. They're not great and I bought them more for the joke of owning them than anything else.
Love the 90s music. That was my soundtrack for high school, and college, and a good portion of my music library reflects it.
Yes! That's what the game feels like. I did like the new version of Pac Man, and I have to agree if there was a new version of Centipede in that fashion it would have been really good.
Awesome pick-ups as usual. That DJ Max game sounds interesting. I liked the PSP game, and I should be on the lookout for that one as well. Happy 2014 JB!
Oooh I see a box called Alienware...Congrats man. There's going to be some crazy PC gaming going on.
They're fun games, and yes, yes she is. Thanks man, I appreciate you taking time to read my blogs.
Oh no worries, it was a "cool" 70 degrees today. Like I wrote on Matt's comment I had to wear a longsleeve shirt with my shorts a couple of days ago.
Thank you sir, I set my goal low, and its understandable about having to read for your courses. The things I don't miss about college. Yep, Thrones is book one. Everytime I read an event it takes me back to the show. I don't think the show is on Hulu+, I watched the series on the HBO App.
Seeing the flag was usually the point that told me I needed to go to sleep (before we had cable). Now its just infomercials and replays until the next day.
The things Jerry Coleman did was amazing, and yet a lot of people like myself just know him as the voice of the Padres.
SHIELD is on ABC on Tuesday's at 8. I think ABC also streams it online, but I haven't tried it. Chloe is cute and my friend and I always talk about how ABC knows how to get guys to watch this show if they don't like comicbook based storyline. Her song isn't that great, but I bought them anyways, but Robin Sparkles' stuff is actually pretty good. Her other single "Sandcastles in the Sand" is hilarious because it's so cheesy.
Thanks, Arkham is a good game, and those puzzles can be taken out in a coupe of days. I think when I played through it, I was searching for those puzzles more than the actual game, which was kind of odd but when I finished the storyline, I think I needed less than 15 to complete it.
Yeah I went to another GameStop today, and I bought way too many. It'll be in the next QH Blog.
It was cool, having flashbacks to my Disney days. I actually listened to bit of Tragic Kindom this morning. I really need to play that Duolingo game. It's just sitting on my tablet.
Thanks, you too!
Yup, apparently that's her birth name.
I made a joke about it's so cold here I had to wear a longsleeve shirt with my shorts. Some east coast folks weren't too happy.
When I first started watching I thought the characters were too predictable, and I liked the character interactions in Warehouse 13 much more than Shield. The show is still kinda cheesy but it isn't bad, and I think it's getting better. My friend and I call it a season long advertisement for the next Avengers film.