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Jason Ross's Comments - Page 58

Pokemon Black & White Preview

Posted on 03/10/2011 at 03:42 PM | Filed Under Preview

When you think about the amount of data stored about each individual Pokemon in comparison to the size of save data for other RPGs, it's not too surprising there's only one save file.

Each pokemon has its level, six hidden values that determine stat growth, hidden numbers that add stat bonuses depending on the pokemon the individual pokemon fought, too. Each pokemon also stores its nickname and moves. Now, there's 30 pokemon that can be held in a box, and 24 boxes, total. That's 720 total Pokemon in a save file. With 649 or sl total Pokemon to collect, a large storage box is "necessary" in the context of the game. Having multiple save files seems like it's more of a stretch, compared to other rpgs with a minor handful of characters, a bunch of items, and a few event flags.

Episode 23: Trivection Oven

Posted on 03/05/2011 at 11:10 AM | Filed Under Feature

I see that as a possibility. Potentially, if we get together and have a diverse enough range of topics to discuss for the week, I'd try to post half on Friday, then post the other half on Monday. Essentially, PixlBit would have a new podcast available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week, barring something unexpected getting in the way.

Episode 23: Trivection Oven

Posted on 03/05/2011 at 09:04 AM | Filed Under Feature

When we record PixlTalks, we go through Skype and use a program called "CallBurner." It encodes the full conversation, including everyone involved.

With PB & Jason, I just use Audacity. This week, I tried re-encoding the CallBurner MP3 in Audacity, to see if that would help, but it seems it didn't. I would guess that at this point, it may have to do with the outright length of the podcasts rather than the encoding, given you had problems with this week's episode.

Pokemon Black & White Preview

Posted on 03/05/2011 at 08:44 AM | Filed Under Preview

Come tomorrow, I'll be picking up the White version of the game, I believe. If any of our readers are interested in trading or battling, be sure to let me know. Leave a comment here, start a thread on the forums, or send an email my way.

Also of note: Our system isn't really prepared to handle a preview for two different titles at one time, so bear with the oddities until Nick gets it sorted out.

Episode 23: Trivection Oven

Posted on 03/05/2011 at 06:59 AM | Filed Under Feature

A question for the listeners: How long do you like your podcasts? With my personal podcast, I aim for about 40 minutes to an hour. Since PixlTalk has multiple voices and more discussion about any singular topic, I feel anywhere from one to two hours could work well, though I'm not personally adverse to something a little longer if it happens.

That said, I've never asked anyone else about this sort of thing. I'd like to know, really. When you listen to a podcast, how long do you prefer it is? And of course, you may choose something like "Whatever flows naturally for the speakers."

Iwata GDC Keynote Reveals 3DS Information and New Super Mario Title

Posted on 03/03/2011 at 10:25 AM | Filed Under News

I like that Mario isn't in his "Super Mario" form in one of them. He needs a mushroom!

Issue 30: Hablabhlah

Posted on 03/03/2011 at 10:20 AM | Filed Under Feature

I didn't realize you linked to it! Had I, yeah, I definitely would have mentioned that. Whoops!

Also for the record, I got a bit a little off: Gamers should be able to recognize the simple, creative concept within ten minutes of playing the game. Iwata didn't give a timeframe for how long it would take people to convey what they had played, though he did suggest it should be easy to explain.

GDC 2011 Skyward Sword Trailer

Posted on 03/02/2011 at 09:32 PM | Filed Under Feature

I'd think so, too. Still, Nintendo also seems fond of releasing big sequels in late August. Metroid: Other M was last year's August title, but I definitely recall Super Mario Sunshine coming out that time of year, too.

Really, Kirby seems like it could make the better major "Holiday" title from Nintendo, especially if it's four player. So I'm going to guess we'll see Zelda: SS in August, but if not then, almost definitely November, for that holiday season.

[Game System Name] Is Like A [Insert Body Part Here]: A Fun(?) Negative Rant

Posted on 03/02/2011 at 04:41 PM | Filed Under Feature

I like this. Nice job, Matt. You could have left "Organically" as "Organically," though. Organic in his sense didn't refer to a living body, but rather that things flowed well together in creation of a game. Mechanically makes the change sound a bit rougher, as if soeone is forced to construct the change.

Anyway, I've got my own opinion of what actually happened with that IGN reviewer. A lot of people forget that the video review that was pulled/modified was altered because both Gerstmann and IGN said Gerstmann was late to record the thing. That, and the fact that Gerstmann never outright stated the reason he was fired suggests it isn't the most obvious reason. In my imagination, I see Gerstmann's firing as a matter of unfortunate timing. GameSpot likely was firing him for subpar work or a lack of punctuality, and their legal or human resources department likely didn't allow GS to publicly state the reason for Gerstmann's dismissal. My guess is Gerstmann used GameSpot's predicament to garner 15 minutes of fame and try to leech some business away from the place. After all, if a large company just fired you, and you were given a chance to start up a direct competitor, I would imagine you wouldn't clear your former company's name, especially if it meant coming clean about embarrassing work ethic.

I have to say the news about Unreal Engine 3 is disturbing to me. At this point, students everywhere can develop on the effective engine for free, learning the ins-and-outs for later development on their platform. The 3DS (and Wii, for that matter,) could almost certainly run some form of the engine from everything I understand, but the company seems to have some sort of extra-large grudge against Nintendo. A grudge large enough to keep a corporation from making money must be a large grudge, indeed.

Episode 22: Hacked Together

Posted on 03/01/2011 at 05:33 PM | Filed Under Feature

I'm sorry about the delay in having this posted. I anticipated having more time piecing the podcast together, and partially finished yesterday until I was called away to another task. Today, I finished it up and added in a few quick blurbs to try to smooth out a transition and the end of the episode.

Anyway, I hope you like it. To send listener mail, at the moment, stick with jasonr AT pixlbit DOT com, and I'll make sure the mail gets to everyone involved.

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