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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 577

PAX Prime 2015

Posted on 09/12/2015 at 12:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks for reading!  It was a good PAX.

Cary's Summer Movie Checklist 2015

Posted on 09/12/2015 at 12:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Aw it's too bad you missed Inside Out.  I think that was this summer's best movie.

Rocksmith & Shantae

Posted on 09/11/2015 at 12:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

According to my brother Jeff, he says that Rocksmith teaches you how to play the game, not how to play guitar.  After watching him play for a bit, I can agree.

Rocksmith & Shantae

Posted on 09/11/2015 at 07:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Rocksmith really isn't that good, but Shantae sure is!  Which Shantae is it?

Ridge Racer Review

Posted on 09/10/2015 at 08:30 PM | Filed Under Review

Yeah R4 is still the best.  But I did play a lot of RRV and Ridge Racers on the PSP, too.  And RR64 was pretty decent as well.

Pokemon GO Announced!

Posted on 09/10/2015 at 07:51 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I got a press release about this yesterday.  Pretty high tech stuff.  I may not be able to review it since I can't really use my phone on the job.

Happy Birthday PlayStation (and Dreamcast)!

Posted on 09/10/2015 at 07:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I didn't get the PlayStation at first, but once I did a year or two later, it was one of the best gaming purchases I made.  I was reviewing games left and right for it after that.

I didn't get the Dreamcast right away either, but it was a Christmas/Graduation present in 1999 so it wasn't too far off.  That was the first SEGA console I owned, and it really made me respect SEGA a lot more.

I'm only sad that you had to trade in your SNES to get a PlayStation.  But then, I really like the SNES.

Catching up

Posted on 09/09/2015 at 08:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

LEGO Dimensions is LEGO's answer to Skylanders.  But one of the game worlds you can visit is Portal.  And I love the idea of LEGO Portal.

Ridge Racer Review

Posted on 09/09/2015 at 08:53 PM | Filed Under Review

My dad really liked playing Ridge Racer when it was first in arcades.  In fact, many years later when I was playing Ridge Racer 64, he walked by and said, "Hey, is that Ridge Racer?"  I was impressed that he recognized the game just by looking at the screen because he usually wouldn't be able to do that.

I didn't get into Ridge Racer right away.  I didn't get a PlayStation until it had already been out for nearly two years, so I missed out on a lot of the launch titles and early games.  But many years later, when Ridge Racer Type 4 came out, I still couldn't get it because i was a poor college student.  But shortly after graduating and getting a little more money, I found R4 really cheap and bought it.  From then on I was hooked.  I got many of the older Ridge Racer games on the PlayStation that came out before it, but not the very first one because R4 came with a bonus disc that had the first game on it with a better framerate.

From then on I would get all other Ridge Racer games, but I would usually wait until the price went down a little bit before getting them.  I love the arcadey feel and the fact that you are drivng cars with Pac-Man, Galaga, Dig Dug, and Mappy on them.  You know how I'm a big Namco classic junkie.  I even find the Ridge Racer lady funny even though she's pretty useless. 

Anyway, very good article. If you get a chance, I'd like to encourage you to read my blog and check out my PAX Prime articles at GamerDad.  I took a lot of neat pictures and played a lot of cool games!

PAX Prime 2015

Posted on 09/09/2015 at 08:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It was a lot of fun and was probably one of the better PAX shows I've been to.

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