Thanks for reading! It was a good PAX.
Thanks for reading! It was a good PAX.
Aw it's too bad you missed Inside Out. I think that was this summer's best movie.
According to my brother Jeff, he says that Rocksmith teaches you how to play the game, not how to play guitar. After watching him play for a bit, I can agree.
Rocksmith really isn't that good, but Shantae sure is! Which Shantae is it?
Yeah R4 is still the best. But I did play a lot of RRV and Ridge Racers on the PSP, too. And RR64 was pretty decent as well.
I got a press release about this yesterday. Pretty high tech stuff. I may not be able to review it since I can't really use my phone on the job.
I didn't get the PlayStation at first, but once I did a year or two later, it was one of the best gaming purchases I made. I was reviewing games left and right for it after that.
I didn't get the Dreamcast right away either, but it was a Christmas/Graduation present in 1999 so it wasn't too far off. That was the first SEGA console I owned, and it really made me respect SEGA a lot more.
I'm only sad that you had to trade in your SNES to get a PlayStation. But then, I really like the SNES.
LEGO Dimensions is LEGO's answer to Skylanders. But one of the game worlds you can visit is Portal. And I love the idea of LEGO Portal.
My dad really liked playing Ridge Racer when it was first in arcades. In fact, many years later when I was playing Ridge Racer 64, he walked by and said, "Hey, is that Ridge Racer?" I was impressed that he recognized the game just by looking at the screen because he usually wouldn't be able to do that.
I didn't get into Ridge Racer right away. I didn't get a PlayStation until it had already been out for nearly two years, so I missed out on a lot of the launch titles and early games. But many years later, when Ridge Racer Type 4 came out, I still couldn't get it because i was a poor college student. But shortly after graduating and getting a little more money, I found R4 really cheap and bought it. From then on I was hooked. I got many of the older Ridge Racer games on the PlayStation that came out before it, but not the very first one because R4 came with a bonus disc that had the first game on it with a better framerate.
From then on I would get all other Ridge Racer games, but I would usually wait until the price went down a little bit before getting them. I love the arcadey feel and the fact that you are drivng cars with Pac-Man, Galaga, Dig Dug, and Mappy on them. You know how I'm a big Namco classic junkie. I even find the Ridge Racer lady funny even though she's pretty useless.
Anyway, very good article. If you get a chance, I'd like to encourage you to read my blog and check out my PAX Prime articles at GamerDad. I took a lot of neat pictures and played a lot of cool games!
It was a lot of fun and was probably one of the better PAX shows I've been to.