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Angelo Grant's Comments - Page 59

Kingdoms of Amalur Includes Day One DLC in the Box

Posted on 01/30/2012 at 03:26 PM | Filed Under News

Ah crap.  Blinded by my nerd rage.  That's one for you Katherine :D

Kingdoms of Amalur Includes Day One DLC in the Box

Posted on 01/30/2012 at 02:21 PM | Filed Under News

Amalur isn't the only one playing this game.  Check this out:

Read especially the final paragraph.  Of course nobody will know for sure until the game launches, but if that were my company I'd shoot a rumor like that down so fast the entire internet would get whiplash.

Nintendo Responsible for Box Art Blunder

Posted on 01/30/2012 at 10:45 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Rumours are circulating that CapCom has locked the game's ending as $10 DLC, but Ron declined to comment “until after the game launches.”

This concerns me WAY more than some typo on a case.  This "online pass" stuff is getting out of hand.  I suspect he would have shot that down as soon as possible if there wasn't anything to that rumor, but that's speculation on my part.

[edit] Dammit Katherine, you couldn't have timed this better.  I was so ticked off over the Amalur thing I didn't notice this whole thing was a gag.  You win this one.

Kingdoms of Amalur Includes Day One DLC in the Box

Posted on 01/30/2012 at 10:14 AM | Filed Under News

I understand, I wasn't addressing you personally, I was using your post as a launching pad for something that's been brewing in my head for a while.

Frankly, I find it very unfair that a producer would take someone elses work, tack some horrible content lock on it, then blame the dev should the software fail because of their tactics.  How many development studios has Activision shuttered because they over-produced games in a franchise?  Was that the developers fault?  I don't think so, but they are the ones who end up paying the price.

That pisses me off a whole lot more than losing 7 quests because of some (in my opinion) jackass marketing ploy.  

Stonekeep: Bones of the Ancestors Review

Posted on 01/29/2012 at 09:47 PM | Filed Under Review

So... WiiWare Etrian Odyssey this clearly is not.  That's sad.  I wouldn't mind a console take on that genre.  I swear asside from the previoius mentioned DS game the last one really remember playing was Eye of the Beholder.

Kingdoms of Amalur Includes Day One DLC in the Box

Posted on 01/29/2012 at 09:31 PM | Filed Under News

This might be a good time for me to fish for opinions on a theory I have.

A lot of gamers saw this and instantly said OMG Boycot if U R a Real Gamr.  I understand the hate, but the problem isn't the developers.  From everything I understand about 38 Studios, this is a company and a property being very literally developed by gamers for gamers.  I completely LOVE that this is how Curt Schilling is investing his MLB money and I would love to support his efforts if this is a quality title, and this is coming from a die hard born and raised Yankees fan.

Now I wasn't there when all this went down, but I would imagine it went something like this:  EA looks at the title and thinks DAMN, we could make a killing here.  They make a deal with 38 Studios, and then later go over and say "hey guys, why don't you make a little extra content here we can give away free to people who buy the game new?"  Now when a publisher says something like that, I can only image it's more of a DO IT than a request.  After all, they hold the big bucks.  At the end of the day, it's so let it be written, so let it be done.  Big Huge Games and 38 have no real say in the matter.

Now, lets say this protest thing grows some real momentum and the game tanks.  You really think that's going to stop EA?  Seriously?  They'll do this again, I'm sure of it.  You know who it WILL hurt?  38 Studios.  Suddenly their big fresh IP is a sinkhole and nobody wants to pick up the MMO they've been very open about having in the works since before this game was a gleam it it's daddy's eye.  EA keeps on trucking and screwing people buying used, and 38 Studios and all their fantastic ideas get flushed away.

Maybe I'm off my rocker here, but that's how I see protests like that ending up in the long run.  EA won't blame the locked content for pushing gamers away, they'll blame the devs for not making a game strong enough to hold up their crack headed publishing practices.  I don't like it either honestly, and I'm still not buying the game day one like I originally said, but I probably will buy it new when it drops 20 or 30 bucks in price.  Not because I love EA, but because I love 38 Studios and everything they represent.

Mega Man and Pac-Man Officially Confirmed for Sony Street Fighter X Tekken

Posted on 01/27/2012 at 05:06 PM | Filed Under News

I'm probably just nerd raging here, but does anybody else think they presented Mega Man like this just to insult Keiji Inafune?  I really don't like it.  If this is the direction Capcom is thinking of taking the franchise, I want nothing to do with it.

I suppose this could be a one off 'joke' of sorts.  I really hope that's the case.

Nintendo Details the Nintendo Network, New Wii U Functionality

Posted on 01/27/2012 at 12:33 PM | Filed Under News

Here's a crazy idea, 3DS / Wii U controller AR cards with RFID chips built in.  You could have a game like that PlayStation one that used their camera back when that was first launched, or Skylanders for that matter.  I could easily see a Nintendo character CCG game moving in on Skylander's turf.

Nintendo Planning New Side-Scrolling 2D Mario Game for 3DS

Posted on 01/27/2012 at 12:25 PM | Filed Under News

Or Zelda.  The invintory management thing they had going at E-3 looked pretty cool.

Nintendo Details the Nintendo Network, New Wii U Functionality

Posted on 01/27/2012 at 12:23 PM | Filed Under News

What's with Nintendo all of a sudden?  They seem to be making really sharp decisions! first the possible name change for the Wii-U, and now they seem to be getting a better handle on online gaming!  I might be running out of things to poke fun at them for at this rate!

(Note, I'm a Nintendo fan, but they just do WAY too good a job of setting themselves up for some good jabs a little too often for me to resist.  Sorry Nick.)

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