I had a weird thing happen today when I listened to this. I've been kind of chain listening to all the old episodes of the show while I'm at work in little chunks. (It seriously helps pass a 12 shift) Today I was... somewhere near episode 60-70 and I heard the zelda song come on. And then I had the new episode come up right after that. When you mentioned the song and how you had played it before, I may have said out loud, in front of a group of coworkers, "You did! I just listened to that!" So now they probably think I'm an insane person, but I'm okay with this. Also if this podcast were a TV series I would say it has some of the best character progression ever. Love this show!
Stage Select:
I'm going to have to go with Terry Bogard from King of Fighters/Fatal Fury. If anyone is unfamiliar with Mr. Bogard, he is probably the most hilarious Japanese stereotype for Americans ever. Me and a group of friends used to play King of Fighters a fair amount, and I swear every one of them used this guy. I however, refused to do so, and tried to branch out into other characters. All my efforts were futile however as I was constantly defeated while hearing the phrase "Are you okay? KAISER WOLF!" I hate Terry Bogard. I hate him so much. Maybe this is more a story about how I love fighting games but suck at them. I don't care. F@#$ Terry Bogard!
Chrono Crossing:
I'm gonna pick Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest. I know a lot of people have beef with this game, but I got it for Christmas along with my Super NES. I was really too young at the time to understand how RPG's worked, but I kept going back to it. It's been a game I've wanted to revisit for a long time now, and that soundtrack was pretty great. I still hum the battle theme to this day. Maybe not the best game by any stretch, but it's one I've never forgotten.