Yeah, things are a lot better now, but she's still coping. It's too bad she can't slip into Diablo 3 like I can. Also, don't get sick in Texarkana.
Yeah, things are a lot better now, but she's still coping. It's too bad she can't slip into Diablo 3 like I can. Also, don't get sick in Texarkana.
I'll have to check that out now that I once again have an iOS device that is supported. I've been spending way too much time with Knights & Dragons and I don't know why. It is not a good game, but I am sadly enjoying it more than Dragon Age at this point...
Wow, congrats! I'm also on the platinum trophy hunt. It will probably take me a couple years, because leveling all 6 classes to 70 is daunting, but I will do it.
I'll have to ask Nick about our GOTY criteria. I'm torn, because I feel like it could be my game of the year, but it's also a re-release, which kind of disqualifies it in my eyes. With it out of the picture, it's currently a tie between Shadow of Mordor and South Park: Stick of Truth.
It's my third 5 star review at PixlBit, the other two being Diablo 3 vanilla and Fire Emblem: Awakening. So yeah, grab that and don't let go!
Glad someone appreciated the music! I was really sweating what to pepper the show with this time.
I'm sure I mentioned this somewhere, but they could take the framework for that game, add some more story and mechanics, put it into a nice-looking graphics engine, and I would totally buy this on 3DS or iOS or even PSN. It's that good.
Honestly, if Heroes of Dragon Age had just been this with a new coat of paint I would have been tickled.
Yeah, I'm picking it up on Angelo's hype, and 10 bucks makes it an easy decision.
Oh, I didn't expect there to be any way to transfer the world state besides the Keep. Besides being more cost effective I could see a lot of problems with saving data to a USB stick and transferring it to the PS4 that way.
If it works I actually think this could be the best way of going about this. I had that problem in Mass Effect 3 where it couldn't pull my Shepard's visual data and I had to remake him from scratch. I couldn't completely recreate the look, so for the whole game I felt like there was some half-baked clone running around pretending to be my character.
Wow, really? It worked fine for me besides the choice descrepancies I mentioned in the article. I was wondering how it would fare once everyone started using it. I can't test it with my game because in my infinite wisdom I shipped it 2 day and will have to wait until tomorrow.
If I have issues getting the world state I created into my game I will update the article.