You NEED console sloth quality,Matt! You DESERVE it! (devilish grin)
You NEED console sloth quality,Matt! You DESERVE it! (devilish grin)
Rpgs bra....they eat your time and your soul. lol. I'll let you know how Bitter Black Isle turns out. If I live!
Isn't there a lego game like GTA,Cary? I kind of want to play that one just because the main characters is a macho cop under-cover with a "loose cannon persona". So 80's!
A couch is a necessity for console gaming...or a lazy boy recliner! I'm such a good friend. I'm the embodiment of sloth!
Rpgs require "investment",Pete. That and they usually have a lull towards the beginning before they get more interesting.
CaveStory+ is really good! I should revisit it but there was a point where a boss kept handing me my ass. lol.
Super C was friggin hard. Original Contra was no slouch either!
For reals,Blake? Hmmm, maybe I just pick up on things faster in DD. But I'm scared of Bitter Black Isle...that place is supposed to be insane!
Yeah, most of these "awareness" games deal with simply "walking around" and tapping the "interact button" to get responses out of the protagonist or other characters. There's rarely any puzzle solving,combat, or esculating urgency.
Rabbit: Who are these people?! Why am I being accused of identity theft?!